Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sunday Snow Play in the Sunshine

After a string of cloudy days, we finally had a bluebird day. It was bone-chillingly cold but gorgeous. Shyla played like a puppy and showed off her amazing athleticism.

And she was very cute too! We've been doing a lot of clicker training, and that has put her in the mood to make up all sorts of new tricks. In this photo, she was "taking a bow" while crawling forward with her front paws. I gave her lots of encouragement and a treat jackpot. I think it's a fun trick that she created! You can tell how happy she was because her tail is off to the side in mid-wag.
Shyla also tried out backward crawling on me. I thought that was another very amusing trick so I gave her lots of treats, hoping to encourage her to try it again in the future. One of my favorite things about positive training is that Shyla is truly my partner in training. She can be creative and be rewarded for it! And, I find that she repeats funny self-made tricks that I reinforce with rewards.
We had tons of fun in the sun today!!! I hope your Sunday was good too.


  1. Sounds like you had a great day together.

  2. Shyla is just more confident every day!!

  3. Shyla is just too cute for words! :D

  4. What great fun! I've a feeling that Shyla may even be surprising herself!

  5. You have done an amazing job with her. I can't even get my girls to pee in the snow

  6. looks so cool, the snow, the cold air, and Shyla, coolest of all. 30C here today, we need some of your snow.

  7. Shyla is also very photogenic! Beautiful photos! Glad you had fun in the sun and snow!

  8. the snow looks like little diamonds on your fur... that's great :o)

  9. You are just the most precious girl, Shyla♥

  10. Oh Shyla you are to cute
    Lily & Edward

  11. The look in Shyla's eyes and the blue sky in the background say tons!

  12. I love how you say that with Shyla making up tricks and fun too and getting to be creative!!

  13. At one point I taught Piper to crawl, as part of my "please slow down in the house!" program. The hand signal was sliding my flattened hands alternately forward and back, and the voice command was "creeeeeeep!" She got pretty good with the front half of her body, but the back-end was a little more waggly than creepy :)


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