Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Some Favorite Photos from 2015

I am working very hard on some holiday gifts that involve photographs. For that purpose, I've been going through the photos I've taken in the past year. I thought that I'd share a few that I particularly like.

I took this one on New Year's Day, 2015. The Duo was in a sun puddle when R started sniffing and kissing Shyla's face.

I came home one day to find the Duo in yet another sun puddle, sound asleep. I tiptoed around to find a camera and capture the tenderness between the two of them.

At the height of leaf season this autumn, I somehow captured a moment when I had both dogs' undivided attention. There must have been a herd of elk right behind me that they were *actually* ogling!

In February, we had a very deep snow, and Shyla spent one outing under the snow almost the entire time. I'm not sure that she looks happy in this photo but it certainly summed up the day!
Although it's a lot of work, I learn a lot about my photography when I go through an entire year's worth of photos. I also remember some details of the past year that otherwise would slip away from my memory.

Most of all, the photos make me realize that it's been a happy 2015 for our pack.


  1. One of the main reasons I blog is because it catches those day to day moments that would otherwise be lost in the sands of time and poor memory.

    I can't believe you could come home and be able to grab your camera w/o the duo waking up. I can't do anything without attracting corgi attention....well, except that Wilson is pretty much deaf now....but before that :-)

  2. Love the kisses photo. Well I love them all.

  3. We have always loved your shots of the sleeping duo - so sweet. My two come to full attention when they hear the camera come to life - clicker training for treats:)

  4. That first one made me squeal out loud. I LOVE it!

  5. I love just going through and "remembering" with my pictures. There are so many, that may not be blog-worthy, but are special moments nonetheless. I love your picks!

  6. And we have certainly enjoyed every single photograph you have posted. Yes, it has been a good year.

  7. I agree with you about the photos -- Yours are always amazing, and inspiring. I've not taken as many this year for some reason that I can only attribute to my struggling with continuing to blog. I'm glad your year has been a happy 2015 for your pack -- Despite our subtractions, the additions like the Labs have kept things tipped in the positive! :-)!

  8. They are so sweet together
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  9. looking back over the year gives good memories, love those sleeping photos so much.

  10. They could not be more beautiful: the photography, or the subjects! Though it must be difficult for you to choose, because everything you post is unique and so well done and always touching in some way. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  11. Beautiful! Each one is a precious memory♥

  12. Their colors are so perfect together. Such great friends.

  13. Such a wonderful collection of beautiful memories!

  14. Love them sleeping together so close in the sun!!

  15. You sure picked some awesome pictures
    Lily & Edward

  16. Those really are some of the best photos! We love the one of Shyla and R snuggling in the sun puddle.. and the one with the snow all over Shylas face! That photo describes her zest for life!


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