Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 18, 2015

Happy Friday!

Forgive me if this is a short post. I feel like I'm teetering on the edge of a migraine. Holiday season brings a lot of stress with it with too many things that need to get done.

I had my quiet time in the forest this morning with Shyla. The sun was especially rose colored, like it often is during the solstice. And at that magical moment when the rays first hit us, the entire rest of the forest is still black. Shyla shined in darkness beautifully.

Shyla wanted to show you that she still remembers how to cross her paws - a trick I taught her last winter. As I've been teaching her new things with my clicker, it seems as if she wants to show off both old and new things all the time!

We played with her new small Wubba later in our snow bike ride. I decided to get one that is very small so I can keep in my pocket for easy access when I want to reward Shyla for good behavior. She likes the Wubba almost as much as treats!

However, today, I managed to capture the incredibly wide-eyed but fleeting look she gives me when she thinks she's about to get a treat. I think that treats still rule!
As we travel through the forest, I feel so lucky that I know that there's a bear snuggled in a den not too far away. I smile every time I think of it.

I am not planning to go near the den for at least another few weeks to give the bear plenty of serene time with no humans nearby. I've realized that there's a chance that a cell-based trail camera will work at the den site. It would send me a thumbnail photo whenever there's action in front of the den. That would be very helpful because I'd love to go to the den only when the bear has been completely inactive for a while. One of my goals the next time we visit will be to check for cell phone coverage to see if one of those cell phone trail cameras would work there.

Happy Friday to everyone!!


  1. Happy Friday to you KB! Love the colors of the early mornings with Shyla-again I applaud your adventurous spirit, venturing out in the early hours and not sure what large animals you might encounter let alone the cold weather. Hope you kept that migraine away.
    Wishing you and your pack all the best for this Christmas!

  2. We hope the migraine passes quickly. Shyla, you are just stunning!

  3. I'm sure it was so cold in the early hours, but the lighting, sunshine just peeking through, and Shyla in all her happiness, let each of those stave off the migraine.

  4. Happy Friday to you too and we are sending lots of good vibes your way in the hopes of chasing away that migraine.

  5. love the expression on Shyla's face :)

  6. Looks fun! Hope your migraine goes away!

  7. Happy Friday KB.. We hope the migraine has gone away by now!
    The stress from the holidays-- your right,,,, is a bit too much,
    We can see how happy Shyla is to please you! She likes to make you happy.
    Were hoping one of the cell phone trail cameras work too.

  8. POTP to you and I hope some puppy kisses help you to chase that migraine-gremlin away... hugs...

  9. Love the crossed-paws pose, Shyla! You are such a beautiful girl♥

  10. What a cool set up for trail cameras! You have real reality TV!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. Hope your 'nature' therapy headed off the migraine. It's wonderful to be able to get out, away from everyone and relax. Hope the den cameras will work.


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