Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Snowstorm of 2015

I'm going to share a few more fun photos from the past year. As a unrepentant procrastinator, I am still working on some gifts that involve photos so I've been going over my library again.

We had a very big snow storm in February, and I might have forgotten about it without the photos. Shyla kept getting stuck in various places where she needed to rest before she tried to get to me through unpacked snow. She actually appeared to snooze during this break!

Then she'd get back to work, trying to wend her way through the snow to get to me.

After getting stuck, she'd sometimes find a burst of energy to barrel over the snow. Even at the time, I was reveling in her pure athleticism. What a strong dog she is! And what an amazing spirit she has!

She was like a snowdog all day long.

Overnight, a crust formed on the snow, and Shyla adopted new strategy for crossing unpacked snow - flight!

In retrospect, it was a very fun storm, with lots of snow play. The only downside was that it was too much snow for R's elbow so he didn't get to play very much in it. I think he'll be having surgery before too long, and I hope it makes him as good as new!
Enjoy your weekend!


  1. What a fun day that was to look back on.
    Shyla is such a trooper.
    I look forward to your photos playing in the snow
    each year.
    xo Linda and Cinnamon

  2. Oh my goodness beautiful Shyla, those almost made us like snow!

  3. Fantastic pictures of a true snowdog! Piper also loves the snow, but last winter even Piper reached a point of "enough already!" and would sometimes race around and around the tracks I had made in the deep snow between the house and barns, instead of leaping and diving in the powder the way she usually does.

  4. Love the "flying Nun-Dog" picture! I'm hoping to introduce Otto to snow if we get our much anticipated El Nino! He loves the cold...

  5. We had some deep snows like that in WI and the dogs just loved it. The crusty part not so much since every once in a while a paw would break through. Because we walked on suburban streets they had to wear boots which they hated. Love to watch dogs porpoise in the snow. And then sleep the rest of the day.

  6. When we look at these photos of Shyla's energy,,, oh how we wish we had the ethusiasm for life that she has! Beautiful photos!

  7. What a wonderful job those shots do on showing us Shyla's strength and agility!!!

  8. I'm glad you are still you Shyla and not a snowman-girl :o)

  9. What a superfun day for you, Shyla! We bet you slept good that night!

  10. Such great photos! They make me wonder why everyone doesn't love snow.

  11. Shyla, your face as you were trying to get out of the snow made us chuckle!

  12. All that snow. I remember you blogging about that storm. It's best to keep all that snow in the mountains where it belongs.

  13. She looks like she had a wonderful time playing in the snow!! It really is beautiful to look at and play in!!

  14. That is some major snow
    Happy Holidays
    Lily & Edward

  15. These are amazing! I had no idea dogs get stuck like that - and then propel themselves back out!


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