Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 11, 2016

A Stupendous Snow-covered Day

The day after our last snow storm was a stupendously beautiful day.

It was very cold, but we're adapted to that by now. In the morning, the sun rose upward toward some clouds in the sky. Shyla and I had only about 5 minutes of the reddish sunrise light.

Because it was so cold and the air was still, the trees looked like snow sculptures, with a coating of snow and frost covering them.

It wasn't just the twigs but every part of the trees, as you can see behind Shyla in the next photo.

Then, a bank of clouds swept up a valley in front of the sun. It made a fiery sight.

I couldn't take my eyes off of it because it looked surreal.
Although life is tougher in the winter with the frigid air and snow, it's an incredibly beautiful season.


  1. I am not a fan of the snow but you make it looks beautiful and Shyla loves it

  2. I love your winter photos! They are always so stunning! <3

  3. Beautiful pictures!! Your pets are so cute!

    <a href="www.bethayresveterinary.com/”>Carrie</a>

  4. The snow looks lovely! The snow on branch almost looks like buds in the spring though I know we have a long way to go for that.

  5. Wow, you got some really great shots. We really like that first photo!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. Breath taking morning views. God was showing off this morning wasn't he.

    Aroo to you,

  7. Oh my, those photos are simply the best! Howdy beautiful Shyla!!!

  8. Seeing the beauty in winter sure helps one survive it!

  9. What lovely scenery, winter truly is a beautiful season!!

  10. sThe light through the fog/cloud bank is amazing!

  11. I don't think I've ever seen a sky like that! Just amazing.
    P.S. There's a little shoutout for you on Terra Toby today :)

  12. There is so much beauty in our world for sure!!

  13. I had to turn the heat up after looking at your pictures. That cloud bank that came up was worthy of a Stephen king novel. I love it

  14. We would have a hard time taking our eyes off that beautiful sun rise too! Mother earth painted in glorious colors. I hope you and shyla stay warm, in those cold mornings.
    The trees and world are so majestic.

  15. Your photos have a way of making me, a not-so-big-of-a-fan-of-snow-and-cold, actually think it could be nice:) Those photos are incredible.

  16. It is really beautiful as long as I don't have to go out and drive. I do love the beauty of winter. The photos are as always incredible.

    Anne and Ziggy

  17. Your backyard is so incredibly beautiful!

  18. Oh my goodness - what an awesome sight! What a way to start my day!

  19. that's wonderful... a golden sky ... our world can be so beautiful... we only have to open our eyes... thanks for sharing such beautiful moments with me.

  20. Oh, it is so gorgeous there!!! The warm glow of the sun makes it seem not as cold when you are just looking at the photos. :-)

  21. Wow, so beautiful! That sun in the clouds is amazing. Don't you love it when nature gives you something wonderful like that?

  22. Stunning, as always! That morning light and the snow is a magical combination! :)

  23. WOWSA~ These photos are just beautifuls!!!!! I loves everyone! Ma is soooo jealous of your camera and surroundings!
    And I would loves to romp in the snow! much betters than this sucky rain! ☺
    Ruby ♥

  24. I feel like I wouldn't admire the beauty by myself, but you have shown it to me. Thankyou.


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