Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Silhouette Sunday

I love when the sunset sky lights up, and Shyla stands tall and proud in front of it!
I will always think of the boulder she's standing on as Coyote Boulder. We once spotted a coyote standing upon it and looking out as we hiked up to the upper meadow near us. Shyla likes looking out from it too!


  1. That is such a stunning photo! I love all the colors in the sky!

  2. That's a most wonderful lookout Shyla spot now!

  3. We think Shyla makes for a more beautiful silhouette than any coyote could do:)

    Happy Sunday.

  4. Shyla Ohhhhh your staff deserves a round of applause what a pretty photo
    Hugs madi your kitty friend

  5. Coyote Boulder is a very fitting name!!! It must have been so beautiful to have seen the coyote there.

    Shyla looks just as beautiful, especially with that gorgeous sky behind her.

  6. Such a beautiful photo of Shyla on that huge boulder!

  7. Shyla that's a wonderful photo... the Queen of the world :o)

  8. The purple sky is such a great background. We had a coyote run across the road in front of us on New Years day when we were driving into town
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel


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