Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Bear Activity at the Den!

Today is an exciting day - the first bear den update! You might remember that I found a bear den 6 years ago that was occupied by a sow and her two yearling cubs.

That den remained empty until this year. There is a smallish bear occupying it. I do not know if she has yearling cubs behind her in the den or not. However, my guess is that she doesn't.

That opens the possibility that she might give birth to cubs in the coming weeks. Bear cubs are usually born in the second half of January in our area.

Here's a wide view of the scene. The rocks form a cave, and the bear had her head up and almost outside the den.

Here's a close-up of the bear. She was eating snow and has snow on her nose.
One camera was recording video, and it captured the bear eating snow for more than a minute on a warmish day. It's perfectly normal for bears to be awake on and off throughout the winter. The last time this den was occupied, the sow came outside to eat snow and urinate about once every three weeks. This bear hasn't walked outside the den yet.

Here's a video of her activity!!! Enjoy.

I can't wait to see whether this bear has cubs this winter!!!


  1. So very cool. I have discovered I like to lick and eat snow, who knew. Looking forward to more shots.

  2. You can BET I'm staying tuned! Thanks for sharing your beauty and nature with us.

  3. That is so cool. What a cute little bear. Hoping we get to watch him grow ths winter

  4. Exciting for sure! Let's hope for a little one (or two).

  5. Bear-TV can be a pretty interesting channel!!!

  6. We are excited to see what happens this winter with your bear. Thanks for sharing all your nature cams.

  7. How exciting!!! We are excited to find out if they will be baby bear cubs too.

  8. This really is exciting,,, We cannot wait to see more,, and to know whats going on!

  9. Hooray. I'm really looking forward to watching the den thanks to you.

  10. That is so exciting! Hopefully we get to see some cubs! :D

  11. Wonderful, exciting, and we will wait, and see what happens. Not long to go if she is going to have her cubs.

  12. How very cool!! I'm excited to see what comes next!!

  13. What a fun video! We can't wait to see if she has cubs!

  14. that's so interesting to watch... maybe once we will se the little cubs too via your cam :o)

  15. I loved the video, so sweet. i wonder if she is active because the temp is warmer than normal. i see on the video it says 35 degrees. i wish i could hold my potty times that long.

  16. Won't it be great if she has a cub or two. I always thought once they were in the den, they stayed asleep. So interesting.

  17. How cool! WE hope she does have cubs!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  18. How exciting! Great quality video too!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  19. We hope there are cubs, too. So we can watch them grow.

  20. thank you so much for sharing this. love learning more about bears.


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