Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Winter Beauty

It seems like we've had a long cloudy stretch but, this morning, the sky was clear and the sun was bright, bring happiness to my heart. It was extremely cold and windy. However, Shyla and I don't mind because our bodies are used to it by now.

The angle of the sun at sunrise has already changed substantially since the solstice, even though we've only gained a few minutes of daylight. Shyla and I follow the sun so its rays hit us as early as possible. I'll never stop being in awe of the red glow of sunrise and sunset.

Perhaps due to the cold or due to being in a great mood, Shyla was in high speed mode this morning.

She did everything at warp speed. I had fun trying to keep up with her with my camera.

And I loved seeing her shadow move with her. It was able to keep up with her!
When we are in the heart of winter, I actually love weather like this. The snow-packed trails stay smooth and firm because the temperature is well below freezing. Most people don't go out on the trails so the forest is quiet - all except for a few hearty birds who I heard chirping and cawing this morning in the snowy aspen groves.
After suffering a migraine yesterday afternoon/evening, I truly appreciated the winter beauty this morning. I have to laugh that I thought that I'd totally figured out how to prevent migraines (by getting enough sleep). If nothing else, these monster headaches keep me guessing because life grinds to a halt when one hits. I think that a few stressful things (like figuring out R's surgery situation, etc.) this week made me more susceptible to a migraine. Today, the headache is gone but I have the "hangover" - that tired and subdued feeling after the storm.

I hope that all of you are enjoying your Saturday!


  1. Dang, that Shyla was sure flying! There's lots of fun being a snow dog!

  2. Shyla is so cute! I love seeing her action shots!

    I'm really sorry about your migraine. I totally relate and know what you mean by a hangover from it. It's not fun! I hope they stay away for a while! <3 ~hugs~

  3. We have had a fairly cloudy span of time here too. It is amazing how much better the sun can make one feel. We hope the migraine hangover passes quickly.

  4. You did a great job capturing her eyes. Sorry about your migraines. Prayers they lessen

  5. Nothing like being out with 'your girl' to make you feel better! I hope it continues through the rest of the weekend! Take care!

  6. Just look at all that beauty!!!! Everywhere you look!

  7. I never tire of looking at the beauty you see each day...even more so when the sun is shining! Shyla's coloring is just amazing too! Hope you are feeling better!!

  8. You have a very deep chest like Molly does, Shyla. Beautiful shots!

  9. the snow is the perfect background for your shiny furs :o) hugs to you, hope the hangover is over soon and you can enjoy some wonderful winter days :o( that migraine-attacks are awful, they appear without a reason and can ruin anything :o(

  10. That golden light, red dog, and white snow make a beautiful combination. Sorry about your migraine, stress is probably the reason.

  11. I had a migraine on Friday night, I am sure it was stress. Hope you are feeling better.

  12. It is awesome when the sun shines!! Hope your migraine is better!!

  13. Shyla sure does look like she LOVES the snow and cold weather! And I know it makes you smile too knowing how much she enjoys her life.

    Hope those headaches stay gone for a while. I have the same problem and when they decide to hit...they really hit hard!

    Have a wonderful week!


  14. We never tire of seeing Shyla bathed in the morning light!!

  15. such a beautiful time of year
    Lily & Edward


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