Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 15, 2016

Moose Artwork

Have you ever seen moose artwork before? This piece was done by our moose calf, who used her tongue as the brush and road dirt/salt on a metal car as the medium. She and her mom made art like this on all three of our vehicles.
A mama moose and her calf spent the night just below our deck. They licked all of our vehicles but somehow avoided every trail camera in our clearing. Darn!

We saw the huge cavities their body heat melted out as they slept by our house. We also saw our few deciduous shrubs decimated, presumably by our overnight visitors.
Fortunately, they'd moved away from our house before any of us needed to go outside in the morning. I can just imagine having to cancel something because "there's a moose and calf between our house and the car". I think the recipient of that excuse might not believe us!

As you can see from the moose photo, we've had a couple of grayish days. We Coloradans are so spoiled by our almost perpetual sunshine that we get depressed by a gray day. So I brightened up a recent morning with Shyla's favorite hat. She looks exotic in it, I think!
She let me wear it once recently so I think it's really "our" hat!

Then we watched a pair of female Downy Woodpeckers who seemed to be having a territorial squabble.
They followed each other from tree to tree until one finally backed down from the battle and flew away.
It's a fascinating world out there! I hope that you get out this weekend. Happy Friday!


  1. I'm relieved - at first I thought the moose had rubbed your car with antlers! I guess the tongue painting can be washed away. I see the bowls from their bodies in the forest sometimes. I'd prefer they didn't take shelter by the house. I like the Moose, but I also like my aspens which have taken years to grow! Shyla is really striking a model pose with her hat.

  2. We love that Shyla hat and the moose art is kind of cool too!

  3. Oh scary that the moose are staying so close to your house! That's interesting that they licked your cars, though! Stay safe!

    I love Shyla in her hat. It's so cute!

    Those birds are fascinating! I bet it was fun watching them!

  4. Ha! That's actually pretty cool! Glad they left in the morning though. We all have had birds poo on our vehicles, but moose art is most definitely special!!

  5. Moose art - wonder if there is some good money in that??? LOL

    We also hope those silly moose didn't get their tongues stuck to the metal of the vehicles - now that would be something to see!! Ouch!

  6. Your pictures amaze me!! And Shyla looks beautiful in your shared hat!!

  7. All I can say is WOW, wow to all of it. And Shyla looks so beautiful in her hat.

  8. Yikes! Those moose worry me. Love the birds!

  9. It's funny how they like the salt on cars. In Jackson the bighorn sheep come to the road and lick the salt on the cars.

  10. Crikey Shyla ...... you've got a tea cosy on your head!!!!!!!

  11. Can you see where they are from inside your house or do you have to be outside to see them?

    I love Shyla's hat too, don't know if my knitting skills would take me very far on one like that, we'll have to see!

    We are down for a very sub zero weekend, so I'm stayin' in!


    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  12. OMD, I never thought of lickin' the OUTSIDE of the car!!! I just mostly lick the inside of the windows...this will be an interesting challenge...☺
    OMD, it is the same here in CA!!! Ma was starting to gets all depressed cause it's been nothin' butts grey and gloomy, then today..SUN! for almost the whole day!!! FABulous! Ma is convinced that she suffers from SADD, butts it's kept in check cause we lives where the sun usually shines. (she would be in REAL troubles in Alaska!)
    LOVES the hat! If I wore hats, I would LOVES that one! It looks great on you, and makes me smile!
    Ruby ♥

  13. how crazy is that - they licked your vehicles!

  14. We're not sure that we like that the moose are comfy being that close to your house. You are such a good girl for sharing your hat with your mom, Shyla☺

  15. my first ever viewing of moose kisses and also first ever hearing anything like this.. what a story and i loved every word and pic

  16. That is pretty cool! Although, it is a very good thing that they moved away from your home before you ventured out!! We have a lot of "tongue art" on the inside of our vehicle windows but we have never seen any on the outside! You do live in a very fascinating place!!

    The hat that you two share is beautiful!!

  17. Wow, just wow! I can't believe they are so close to your home.

    Love the hat! It definitely brightens up the grey winter days.

  18. Never saw moose art before. How fun. Glad they moved on before you needed to be outside.

  19. It is indeed a fascinating world out there, and we're so glad you brighten it up for us with your gorgeous photos!

  20. Have you seen Tiger Spy cam on Netflix? The camera's they use remind me of your trail cameras. They have ones that looks like logs, tree trunks and small boulders. But they have elephants carry the cameras around too!! Interesting. Made me think of you.

  21. My first reaction to the moose is thank goodness for indoor plumbing!

    I love Shyla and the hat. :)

  22. Moose, art, eh? Very cool.

    I'm starting to wish I had a camera attached to the boat. I saw a very cool snake hunting in the river today but couldn't get my camera fast enough to capture it.

  23. Better save that art work! Glad that was all it was! Shyla was rocking that hat. Does she like to wear it?

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  24. Not too surprising that the moose would find the salt on your vehicles to their liking. I'm sure folks would understand the moose excuse. They would easily believe we might be trapped in the house by a bear during the summer mornings.

  25. We think the moose are a little tooooo close! But it was cool art work. Shylas hat is beautiful!


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