Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Beautiful Skies - Moon and Stars

Last evening, the moonrise almost coincided with sunset. The Runner, the Duo, and I all went to a high ridge to see the beautiful sights.

Well, as it has for the past 5 months, the weather didn't cooperate. A low lying bank of clouds sat on the eastern horizon. The moon didn't rise higher than the the cloud bank until about 20 minutes after the actual moonrise. But, it was still pretty.

First we saw the clouds turn pink in a small spot to the east. Then, the moon appeared like a mirage, lighting up the clouds around it.

It rose still higher, so we could see most of it.

And, finally, it cleared all the clouds. It then stayed out for hours, in the clear higher atmosphere.

I loved the halo of glowing clouds around it.

Although I was disappointed by the cloud bank, I still watched the moon rise with eyes as wide as Shyla's this morning. If you think her eyes were wide because there was a moose nearby, you're right. But, he went around us and never came close enough for me to worry.

I've been wanting to take some star photos near our house but I didn't last evening due to the full moon. Then, I realized that I had star photos that I hadn't yet shared from a full moon night high in the Rockies last summer.
I am looking forward to summer but I bet that those of you who just got that huge amount of snow feel that even more strongly than I do!


  1. Those are just beautiful. But the moon does not compare to Shyla's eyes.

  2. I was watching for it here too but we had snow instead. I'm not complaining. Just feel lucky to have my own photographer in Colorado who can get me the shots of things I miss

  3. Brings to mind every romantic song about the moon and stars. Lovely photographs.

  4. Gorgeous moon photos!!! Even with the cloud bank. We love Shyla's eyes - so expressive!

  5. Stunning photos! I'd noticed the moon last night after it stopped snowing (I updated my blog since your visit). I love the snow, but dread the digging out, because it's such a big job.

  6. Of all your star trails, that is areal winner, with a tall tree like a spire. Yes, way too much snow for so many, down here we cannot imagine the severity or the spread. When I know that NZ is roughly the same area as Co, it make us realise how small, or in another perspective, how large ... the world really is. .

  7. So beautiful!

    I'm glad the moose didn't get close enough to bother you!

  8. It's so beautiful.... the moon looks like a giant orange... love it :o)

  9. CRIKEY ... My Mum took a photo of that moon at our house last night. It looked beautiful here too but not in Mum's photo, how do you get such good pictures? And that star one! WOW! You look real scared in that photo Shyla. Your eyes were nearly as big as that moon, aye?

  10. We are glad that the moose kept their distance. Beautiful photos!

  11. The moon in the clouds looks great. We had too many clouds here for any good moon shots.

  12. What beautiful photo's :) Milo & Jet

  13. Our mom has fallen in love with that last picture.....they are all so beautiful. stella rose

  14. Shyla, your photo mimicked the colors in the moon photos. Both equally beautiful.

    Aroo to you,

  15. Wow, what beautiful pix of the moon! Makes me wanna howl a little. BOL So nice to meet you...I linked over from Murphy & Stanley.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  16. The moon looks phenomenal
    Lily & Edward

  17. The moon pics are wonderful and we love it when Shyla has the intense look!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  18. It was so pretty here too, coming up over our mountain...but too cloudy for good pics.

  19. We're gonna call it Shyla's moose eyes. Smart girl!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  20. Oh my gosh!!! Your photos are gorgeous! The moon!!!!!!
    So very beautiful. I am so happy you were able to capture those special moon shots,, and stars tooo,, and Shyla's eyes!!
    I thought of you,, as the moon was full


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