Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Springlike in Colorado

In contrast to our eastern neighbors, we are having a spring-like day today. Even the coyotes are out, squinting into the sun. This coyote is standing on the trail behind our house, obviously listening for us. My trail camera took the photo.

Even though it hasn't snowed substantially here in a while, most of the world is still snow covered. After the snow has endured weeks of sun and wind, it forms a pattern of contours, like mini-sand dunes, throughout it.

That snow makes for fun backlit photos, as Shyla kicks up snow crystals with every stride.

We are going to hit a high point for sunset and moonrise tonight. There hasn't been a clear full moonrise since last summer. I'm hoping it stays clear today! It was mostly clear last night. The Duo and I watched the moon during our evening hike. It was almost dark as we arrived home, and the moon was so pretty!
I hope that all of you on the east coast are snuggled in, enjoying a quiet weekend of snow. I hope that we get some soon! It's been too long since a big snow here.

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!


  1. There has been some crazy weather for sure. Beautiful pictures. That wolf, wow. Such beauty around us!!

  2. Ohhhhhh, beautious photos! The moon,, oh gosh,,, I knew you would capture a special moment, and you did! And the ice crystals from shyla running!
    The coyote! Wow!

  3. Gorgeous photos today, and if they could ship the snow to you easily, guess it would be done in a flash. Goodness knows where it goes when it melts? will they have to truck it out to a remote place to clear the roads? Down here, we cannot comprehend it all, when I think of how small NZ is in comparison. My hopes are for everyone to stay safe and keep warm.

  4. Oh wow! What a glorious day! I love those sunny days on snow. I really miss it, actually! That's a cool shot of the coyote and I love the moon, too! We played around with backlighting yesterday! :D It's hard! Shyla is so adorable!

  5. What beautiful photos!
    We finally got enough snow to have fun in. Once dad snowblows and mom shovels, we can have fun☺ yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  6. that is an awesome shot from the trail camera.. he is a beauty.. sunshine makes me happy

  7. Oh my gosh, just look at that coyote. That is so cool! I love your backlit photo. So pretty.

  8. Love the moon behind the trees. I woke up Friday night and our room was so bright I thought it was much later than it was. Turns out it was almost 3 am, but with the moon reflecting off the snow, it was bright!

  9. Hari OM
    Such beauty surely lifts the spirits! The coyote shot is outstanding... in a group of marvels. Blessings, YAM xx

  10. That coyote wasn't sure about something, but that moon is sure something!

  11. Hope you get some snow soon. I love the coyote shot.

  12. mom was going to work at 5:30 am and saw a pack of coyotes (unusual around here) running across a main road. Wish California would stop building in their territory
    Lily & Edward

  13. We're having beautiful weather here, too --- we've had enough snow to make it extra beautiful. For me the ideal is to have a bit of snow, then have the sun come out. Enjoy!

  14. I love the beautiful photo of the coyote. I have a very soft spot for coyotes. Lovely picture of Shyla - every time I come to visit your photography just blows me away.

  15. I think I'm learning a lot about snow since joining Blogville!

    And beautiful photos, of course.

  16. My goodness, that trail camera take better photos than me at my best!

  17. each image is a joy to see.
    kicking up snow crystals is magic.


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