Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Mostly Black and White Sunday

I saw our a snowstorm arrive yesterday during our evening hike. When I left the house, the wind was howling and visibility was great for a long distance. While we were up on a high plateau, the west wind stopped - just stopped - all at once. After a day of wind, it suddenly seemed so quiet. Then, the clouds oozed into our neck of the woods from the east, quickly dropping visibility to almost zero.

This photo was from after the wind stopped and as the clouds started to arrive.

Overnight, those clouds gave us only about an inch of snow. The wind blew after the snow fell, making ripples in it that reminded me of ripples in water.

That scant inch of snow made a world of difference this morning. It gave us traction on the icy trails, and it made Shyla's play powdery and beautiful!
After a little bit of sunshine this morning, another storm oozed into the area. This one will stay here for days, leaving somewhere between 1 and 2 feet of snow.

We are hunkered down, with a fire burning, as it snows silently outside. I do love the absolute quiet of a snowstorm.

Happy Sunday.


  1. A nice warm fire sounds like a perfect ending to a beautiful day.
    Happy Crazy Love, Shyla with the snow flying.
    XO Cinnamon

  2. Shyla, you look good in red.

    Aroo to you,

  3. There is something so magical about being the forest when it's misty and the visibility sucks. I don't know what it is but I love it! It's so beautiful there! I'm glad you and Shyla had some fun! I hope the new snow storm isn't too horrible!

  4. So pretty! The sand at the beach blows in the same pattern here.

  5. The snow is beautiful when you can be warm by a fire!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  6. Time to hunker down and stay warm. Keep the light on, Ciara and Lightning are on their way - they heard our big "snowstorm" is going to be a rain event.

  7. We had our second big El Nino storm today. Very dark and LOTS of rain. We actually have SNOW in our forcast for tonight, but in reality it's clear and just very cold out. Enjoy your snuggly fire!

  8. Your photos take my breath away - in any color!!

  9. Yes, hunker down and stay safe and warm by the fire. Watching the storm approach is better done indoors.

  10. Once again amazing pictures. I love how you went from black and white to color

  11. Stay hunkered. You do not need to get lost in that snow.... Its more beautiful to look out the window at it.

  12. How I long for some coolness, 30Celsius here today, Shyla, you shine no matter what your weather brings. All OK here,taking each day very slowly!

  13. You look fabulous in red, Shyla! Enjoy your beautiful snow.

  14. Toasty warm in front of the fire sounds wonderful!!!

  15. wow... the wind created a kind of a snow-ocean....would you take a bath in that ocean?

  16. So much snow! yes hunker down good, and stay warm. I love that black and white shot.

  17. We had the same kind of storm here, the wind was howling all night long. Lots of snow in the dog run, which is sheltered, but almost bare around the yard. I tried to sign up to follow you and all that happened was that my picture showed up, so I'm sure I have been a follower for the past several years. Glad we connected.

  18. sweet shyla. :) lovely 'brrr' shots.

  19. We have so much wind it's frightening
    Lily & Edward

  20. That first photo is very powerful looking in B&W!! But we do love the red with Shyla!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  21. I'd say your post made me cold, but I am so cold here that I cant be colder for you. Oh I wish I had a fireplace. Enjoy


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