Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Nature on a Winter Saturday

We're in another stormy period here. No snow yet but the forecasts are for a lot of snow over the coming days. I took this photo just before the storm system arrived.
Ahead of the snow, we have incredible wind. On my ride today, I literally coasted up a hill when a big wind gust was at my back. I thought I might become airborne based on the wind force hitting me in the back.

I wonder if the wind helped Shyla fly as she did a recall! Her leaps amaze me the most when they appear to be totally spontaneous. She's not leaping over anything - she's just leaping for the fun of it! And, the wind was at her back!

The birds seem to know when a storm is moving in. The activity in our clearing reaches a frenzied level as they take turns eating from the feeders. I loved seeing the dash of bright red on this male Downy Woodpecker today!
May the wind always be at your back on this Saturday!


  1. We love that flying Shyla and the woodpecker too!

  2. All the snow we are having must be headed your way. Momma has shoveled 3 times already while I catch snow flakes on my tongue and ad dash throw the snow. Don't think I am helping much as I crash through a snow pile and scatter snow where she has shoveled. Heehehhe

  3. WE are expecting a huge amount of snow, even here on the low lands. Stocked up on food and planning on staying in-they say visibility will be less than 1/2 mile. Ugh. So glad you got to get out today, it may be a couple of day where you want to stay inside.

  4. Shyla is so graceful! I love it when dogs are having fun and they just jump! :D I hope your storm isn't too bad!

  5. You get some amazing pictures. Happy Saturday!!

  6. What beautiful pictures, the woodpecker is just stunning!!

  7. I'm glad the wind was at your and Shyla's backs today; and I LOVE that little woodpecker!

  8. Do be careful with that wind - it can be so powerful. We have had a few springlike days. Rumblings about snow on Tuesday but other rumblings about temps in the 50s and rain. Guess we just have to wait and see:)

  9. we had rain that turned to snow. The wind howled and we got up to snow plastered to everything. It must be headed your way
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  10. I consider the wind in winter my enemy. Makes my eyes tear up and that makes my nose run and that makes me even colder. I believe I would have to wear ski goggles if I loved there in the Rockies. Wind in other seasons is entirely different story, especially the warm winds blowing on the beach. Our dogs all have loved the wind because of the wonderful scents it scatters in its currents. Stay warm and safe in the upcoming storm.

  11. Crikey ..... you coasted UPHILL??????? Now that's something I've NEVER seen!! Shyla looks great airborne and that birdie is beautiful!!

  12. we have stormy weather too ( or something what we call a storm LOL) my ears flapped in the wind today too... even without running :o)

  13. You truly look like you're flying, Shyla!

  14. Your photos coupled with Shyla's beauty simply amaze me! Thanks for sharing and hope you don't get hit too bad with a storm!!

  15. Flying Shyla, there is no end to what she can do.

  16. Beautiful mountain shot...makes me a little cold just looking at it though.

  17. Great in-air pic of Shyla!! We are ready for spring . . . mom made us write that!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. Wow! And take care, I think I'd have been a little freaked out being able to coast uphill!

  19. Hope the storm didn't drop too much snow on you! We didn't get any, just a slight snow shower.

  20. Shyla looked like she was flying!


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