Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 15, 2016

Our Black Dog's Elbow

Poor R, our black dog, is still on very restricted activity, and he's still limping. He doesn't like any of it.

Unfortunately, it is seeming as if our plans for having an expert surgeon come here for surgery in early April are falling through. It is very frustrating. We are trying our best to get this surgery for R but there are only a few people in the country who are proficient at the CUE surgery he needs for his elbow dysplasia.

One possibility is to fly to the east coast with R, and to have the surgery done by the foremost expert. The problem is that we're not comfortable with flying R down in the belly of the plane, especially soon after major surgery. If only we had our own jet... then he could ride in the cabin!

When I first discovered that our best-laid plans were falling apart, I came within an inch of a migraine. However, I avoided it - probably because I've been so careful about my sleep. Getting enough sleep seems to be the biggest factor. I've gone from 20 migraines last February to only 1 so far this February.

So, we're re-working our plans, trying to figure out an alternative without getting too stressed out.

I feel fairly confident that this saga will eventually have a happy ending but it just might take longer than we hoped.
Every dog deserves to be able to run and play, especially one with the intensity of R. The running and playing photos are from the archives.


  1. Beautiful sky, and just as the sun rises every morning, so will a solution for R happen in good time. Hang on in the meantime. Still a heat wave here,31 Celsius at 1 p.m.

  2. I am sorry the plans are falling apart. I wish I had a private jet to lend you! POTP to R and hoping you find the right doctor soon.

  3. Sometimes we just have to wait and see the whole picture before making the best decision. I am sure there are private pilots to get R to and from the surgery center. We pray that whatever options you decide, R will be back to running and playing by summer.
    XO Cinnamon

  4. I agree that R could reinjure himself on the flight after the operation. Wish we had an answer. We do have plenty of prayers to offer

  5. Saw recently that people are going online to have their dogs classified as a Therapy Dog, so they can ride in the cabin. Seems any dog can be given the certificate online.

    Hope you can sort it out. Trying to restrict a dog is difficult and frustrating.

  6. Dang, I hate to hear that the plans are not working out but I know you won't give up! Hang in there R, you're a super one!!!

  7. I'm sorry! I hope things work out soon.

  8. Oh no! I'm sorry your plans for R's surgery are not going through the way you wanted! What a nightmare. I hope they get it worked out soon!

  9. Hari OM
    The Great Ether is testing patience is all... hold onto that thought of positive outcomes in due time!!! Hugs (and wags for the furs) YAM(aunty) xxx

  10. I'm sorry it is so hard to get the surgery scheduled. How about flying to the East Coast and driving back in a rental? Where is the surgeon located in the east?

  11. Poor R, I know the frustration. Paws crossed for you
    Lily & Edward

  12. Oh dear, I've been hoping this would work out sooner rather than later. Unfortunately I think you are right about the flight; I will never fly an animal cargo again unless it is a matter of life or death, and only then as an absolute last resort.
    I'm in MA, as you know. If I can help in any way, please don't hesitate to ask.
    Sending a big hug for R!

  13. Would you want me to ask around here about the CUE surgery? The head of the practice where we go is an orthopedic surgeon...Let me know. That sunset photo is amazing!!

  14. It's never easy to see our pets in pain. We hope you can find a solution soon.

  15. Poor R! I hope you don't have to wait too long! He's always been a favorite of mine.

  16. You could use a specialist pet transport company, you could choose one that has veterinarian care. Have a look at http://www.ipata.org/

  17. We hope you can find a workable solution for R. We so understand not wanting to fly him in the belly of a plane. Maybe that pet transport option mentioned above could be a solution.

    Good news on the migraine front - now for you to get lots of good sleep.

  18. Happy that you're having fewer migraines...and here's hoping that somehow R can have his surgery within driving distance of home.

  19. I'm hoping there is some way to fly R (not in cargo) to get his surgery. I'll be spending some time looking around. Remember how lucky Michele was to find someone to fly her to pick up Bud? Maybe someone in blog world knows of someone who makes private flights and something could be worked out. Obviously I have no answers but if you let the blog world know the destination it's just possible someone might be going there. It's worth a try. Meanwhile I'm sure all your blog readers will be thinking about possible options to help.

    Heck, maybe something like a kickstarter type fundraiser? You could give calendars or photographs to contributors. I think a lot of us would donate to charter a plane if all else falls through.

    Surely if we all band together we can manage to help this fantastic dog.

  20. SO sorry this isn't working out for you and hope you find a solution soon.

  21. We will keep R in our prayers that a solution will come about so he can get the surgery he needs
    Mr Bailey, hAZEL & Mabel

  22. I'm glad about the migraines, but I'm so sorry about the delay for R. It would be great if you could find suitable transportation. He's such a wonderful pup.

  23. I am also hoping that you find a solution to get R his surgery sooner rather than later. Although sorry about R, I am glad that your migraines are sooooo much better this year than last!!!

  24. I will say a prayer and hope that you can come up with a solution for R.

    Anne and Ziggy

  25. Sorry to hear it's trickier than expected to get R the surgery he needs. Hope things are on the up for R soon.

    I'm glad you're able to manage the migraines a bit better though!

  26. Our paws are crossed and we're sending lots of positive vibes that a solution will come along soon for sweet R.

  27. Ugh, that is so hard. I hope you can find a solution soon. I hate having Torrey on restricted activity, it's so sad when you know they want to run and play and can't.

  28. I'm so sorry R's surgery is being so difficult to arrange. We'll cross our paws hard that it will work out soon! Momma said she's read about special airlines that will transport dogs in the cabin area, but they're only available in certain routes.

  29. Sometimes it feels like the sky is falling! But we are sending all kinds of positive thoughts and energy,, for R,,, that soon it will all work out.

  30. We are so sorry that arranging for R's elbow surgery is turning out to be such a frustrating process. We are crossing all paws and hooves that a door will open somewhere, and all will happen as you would wish.

  31. We are also crossing our paws an saying our prayers that something will work out for R, we truly believe it will. Lots of your friends had very good ideas......stella rose

  32. Sending prayers for R and for you all that you find your answers soon. Are there any airlines that will let you fly with your pup in the cabin?? There are so many airlines it seems like they should offer them to fly with you. I would totally frequent that airline!!

  33. R is so beautiful, i love the markings on his face that only show in bright sunshine.. i do hope you can find a way to get the surgery. my first thought was a charter plane or jet.. prayers for all of you


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