Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Thank you!

Thank you for the uplifting and very helpful comments yesterday. You gave me some great information and ideas. Your ideas and energy just led me to discover that there might be a more local option for R's surgery. I'm not sure yet but there's a chance.

Sometimes, all you need is some good friends and a lucky break... I'm not sure if we have the lucky break yet but there's hope!

I'm amazed by how much this process exhausts me. I think I'm figuring out a plan and then something makes it fall apart - again and again. Earlier today, I felt like quitting for a while - not calling or emailing any more vets. But then I realized that sometimes I just have to persist until a break comes our way.

Now it's time to take the Duo for a walk and perhaps see a beautiful sunset.
Thank you so much for the support and ideas. Please pass along any new ideas. You are so helpful!


  1. Just keep in there, plugging away. It's great you're surrounded by beauty to help restore your batteries....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Glad to hear you might have a workable local possibility for R. We will send you more POTP - we all know how well it works.

  4. As we were heading back to our car after our normal afternoon walk, a man pulled up with a black lab and a chocolate lab in his car!! They both gave me kisses!! I love it when I can imagine meeting Blogville friends in the furs!!

  5. Fingers crossed you can find a good solution! Xx

  6. I really hope they are able to get this figured out for you and R soon! <3

  7. I know there will be an answer. Maybe, Maybe it might be in the email momma sent you.

  8. Have you checked into the process for certifying R as a service dog for you with your multiple surgeries, chronic pain and migraines? I have no idea how long the training is, but he seems to have the personality for it as well as already being willing to learn new things. And its likely the training is more temperament than activity related so it wouldn't aggravate his elbow. Once qualified he could then fly with you as a passenger. You might want to see if that is possible. Just a thought.

  9. Were keeping hoping and thinking positive, right with you.

  10. we are keeping good thoughts that something will fall into place
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. I know you are in touch with his breeder, would he or she have any connections, or ideas for transport since they often sell animals interstate?

    I know you have probably thought of these things, but as you have said before, it can't hurt to mention in case something comes up to form a solution.

    The other thing I can offer is a reminder to take care of yourself too! Absolutely take breaks and some days, give up calling, then try again another time. R needs you happy and healthy! Best wishes.

  12. Also still love that Snarfing Shyla!

  13. Our paws are crossed that a solid plan will emerge!

  14. I'm glad you've got some new angles to consider, and have caught your second wind - or third or fourth, more like. Will be keeping my fingers crossed!

  15. The Today show had a segment a week or so about how simple it is to get a dog certified as an Emotional Support Animal. Basically filling out some online forms and getting a letter from an online therapist - https://www.nsarco.com/flying-with-emotional-support.html It literally takes minutes. Or please check with PAART - if they can't help you, I bet they know other such transport companies that could - http://nodogleftbehind.org/ Also, the people at Rolling Dog Farm have had lots of experience with transporting dogs, you could reach out to them for ideas - http://www.rollingdogfarm.org/ Good luck!!

  16. Glad you're getting lots of helpful advice. I hope a solution comes into focus for you soon. Sending R some POTP...

  17. That's all sounding more positive. I hope it all works out.

  18. Hang in there and make sure you get lots of rest, too!

  19. Smart friends are such a blessing. Hang in there R!

  20. We hope there is a good option for R to get his surgery. Mom says when a pup has troubles it makes the hoomans very weary.

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  21. We are keeping our paws crossed things fall in place!


  22. All full of hope for you and Prince Arrr to find a good workable solution to this CUE surgery. I knew about the service dog flying because my Auntie had one. Not sure how fast this would go for you but its worth a try. Or hopeful the Rottie family can find something in CA.

    Thoughts and prayers are with you daily!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat


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