Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 4, 2016

A Day on the Mountain

I love living someplace where the most common kind of traffic jam is caused by the elk crossing the road. Only seven elk are in this photo but they were part of a long line of around one hundred elk. I never rush them but enjoy this simple pleasure of living in the mountains.

As you can see from the elk photo, we are having a rare gray day in our neck of the woods. We've barely seen the sun today. We're spoiled by around 300 sunny days per year so none of us are used to this endless gray. This morning, Shyla lingered in bed for longer than usual before we headed outside together. Perhaps she sensed my unmotivated state of mind.

To counteract the gray day, I decided to pick out a few recent colorful photos that I haven't shared with you, to bring some brightness into all of our days. I took this photo of Shyla in the forest around sunrise recently. I love the innocent look on her face. There's a vulnerability in her eyes that might have foretold the recent escalation of some of her latent fears. I guess a dog never is a "formerly" fearful dog.

On that same day, I walked around Shyla to try to a photo with the sun for backlight. I love seeing her gold-fringed silhouette in the midst of the forest's pine giants.

On a recent windy day, we had a spectacular sunset, a small perk of high winds. Shyla was atop "Coyote Rock" - a rock where I once saw a coyote standing tall while he surveyed the meadow around him. When I saw Shyla lean over to sniff the rock, I wondered if a coyote had been there recently. That was an incredible sight.
Here's to a sunny weekend with vibrant colors and warm sun on our faces!


  1. I am SO ready for sunshine and warm weather. And I think Miss Cocoa is ready. Today we ran 5 miles in the morning and then rested!! She did not want to go out again so we rested!!

  2. Hope the weekend brings back the sun for you.

  3. I've been reading your blog at work, and my co-worker and I really enjoyed your posts about the bear and the cubs, it was a fun distraction and escape from the routine of the day -- Just like these photos!!

    Enjoy your weekend!!

  4. Awe! Shyla looks so cute all snuggled in bed! She kind of reminds me of Phoenix here! Phoenix loves to be snuggled up with blankets! I love your brilliant sunny photos and I hope you get some sunshine soon!

    The elk are so neat! When we were near the coast the other day, we saw a couple of elk, too! Unfortunately there was no where to stop the car!

  5. Ohh you pick the most beautiful photos to share with us! Yes,, they brighten our day too!

  6. Tonight on TV we watched " 50 years of Country Calendar" a New Zealand farming program that looks at people and their lives on various types of farms and areas in NZ., and Joyce and I commented on how many changes we have seen from parents' lives to ours. From a copper and tubs, hand wringer, valve radio, no fridge, and a horse to ride to school, to all that today offers. Without these modern technologies, we wouldn't see your blog, the elk, the bears and their cubs, sunrises and sunsets in glorious colours, and so much more. So I have to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been inventive over the last 75 years, to today, and thank you hugely for sharing your beautiful Colorado, Shyla, R, and all your blogs before. Stunning, the one of Shyla outlined. I so wish I could travel and visit!!!

  7. What a sweet photo of you lounging in bed, Shyla - but the last photo is just beyond spectacular! Happy Saturday!

  8. Hari OM
    LOL - meanwhile here on West Coast Scotland, gray is the norm but today we are experiencing a rare full-sun, low-wind day! Adore that shot of Shyla silhouette... YAM xx

  9. maybe shyla had the same busy night like me? I had to go out 87 times to watch the sky... but it was just grey too :O)

  10. I didn't know you had sun 300 days a year - but that sounds wonderful. It's been gray and dreary here but the sun came back out today. The days are noticeably longer now too. Love the silhouette of Shyla!

  11. After several days of sun we have a storm approaching. Rain for us I think, we would rather have snow or spring! Love the innocent photo
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  12. I am really sorry that Shyla has not been able to get over her horrible start to life the way Phod has. I think she is the luckiest dog I know though, because she has the perfect place to help her and love her.

  13. The backlit photo is beautiful and of course the last one is spectacular. But I also love the picture of Shyla in bed - she looks like she's ready to go to sleep again.!
    We have a very grey weekend here with lots of rain in the forecast. After a sunny and warm February with very little rain this is exactly what we need. I think I can only stand the grey days because I know that the sun will be back sooner or later. After all this is Northern California.

  14. OMD, those are FABulous photos!!!! Yuppers, it's been grey the last couple of days, and we are getting BAD storms today and tomorrow with nothin' butts grey. If we didn't live here in CA, Ma is convinced that she would have to get one of those Light Boxes to keep her mood in check! ☺
    Ruby ♥

  15. We hope you get some of this nice weather we've had for the past few days. It is 70 degrees today but it is supposed to get stormy tomorrow and much colder. Shyla is the pawfect model!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley


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