Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 3, 2016


I've had a rough couple of days. We caucused here on Tuesday night. I stayed up too late, thanks to the caucus (and my vote didn't really matter, in the end). Then, I got a migraine yesterday due to the change in my sleep pattern. Today is "migraine hangover" day. To get myself perked up a little this morning, Shyla and I took breaks from our bike ride for fun games.
I have discovered that any game that involves Shyla catching treats leads to facial expressions that make me laugh. She seems to love the games so it's a win-win.

Balancing and then flipping five treats was an almost impossible task. Shyla was great at balancing the treats...

... but they went flying wildly when she tried to flip them into her mouth.

I decided to be nice and give her only one small treat to flip in the air. Unfortunately, it was lighter than she expected and ended up directly above her head. Look at her eyes!

She learned this trick with much heavier cookies. She can easily flip one heavy cookie and catch it. So, I put two on her nose. She succeeded in catching one!
Those photos definitely made me smile. I needed that!

After our ride, I was flipping through some photos from near the winter solstice. At the solstice, there is no ridge between us and the spot where the sun rises. Consequently, we see the most incredibly intense red sunrise rays that make Shyla glow.
That's why Shyla and I get on the trails in time for sunrise almost every day all winter long! Now, winter is dwindling, and our sunrise rays are not so intense, thanks to a ridge to our east. I miss those intense sunrises!


  1. Some awesome action shots Shyla!! I hope you are getting some rest and feel good soon. The sunshine helps, right!!

  2. Such terrific photos and a great big BRAVO to you sweet Shyla!

  3. I don't know how you can toss a treat AND snap a good photo! Never works for me!

    Sorry about your migraine!

  4. Sorry to hear that participating in your electoral process left you with a migraine. Canadian news is obsessed with your primaries, and to be frank, it is giving me a headache:)
    Love Shyla's trick!

  5. Shyla, you do make funny faces!! Hoping your mom is at 100% capasity tomorrow!

  6. Loving Hailey and Zaphod's Lady's comment, and that looks like a lot of fun, KB! Good on you for finding something to cheer me up.

    The owner of the puppy I'm raising told me the other day she'd like to teach pup to balance treats... she's a Cavalier so I'm not sure how well that will go with the short nose!

  7. And this post makes me smile as well. The beauty is that Shyla is having great fun and has no idea you are laughing AT her. Win-Win all around.

    I'm especially sorry that your patriotic obligation to caucus got you a migraine for your trouble. And I am amazed at the young idealists who say they love America so much but will not vote if Bernie is not their candidate. Surely they realize what great danger that would mean for them, for their future children, and for the Nation as a whole.

  8. Hi Hailey and Zaphod - It's funny that the Runner and I were just discussing why your country is sane and ours is not, despite the fact that we share a border. Our political situation is like a car wreck that it's impossible to force yourself not to look at.

  9. One thing for certain is Shyla makes us smile!
    We hope your migraine is 100 percent gone.

  10. Shyla made us smile too! hope your headache is gone now.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. Hope you're feeling better now and great tomorrow!

  12. I'm so sorry about your migraine and the hangover. I know too well how much both of those things suck. ((hugs))

    Those photos of Shyla absolutely crack me up, too! Those expressions are priceless!

  13. You are making us laugh out loud, Shyla☺ We hope you feel much better today, KB!

  14. I love your face and your treat tricks... are there still some treats on the floor? probably not, you got them all right? hugs that all meow-graine gremlins go away soon :o)

  15. What a silly Shyla. That face is to die for.

  16. KB, Hoping your migraine is gone now. I always love Shyla's photos-she is such a clown and dearly loved. In fact, my grandson is getting a Standard Poodle pup next week and from what I know they are smart and easy to train, so I'm sending him this post-to see if he can train his pup to do this as she gets older. It looks like a nice day in the mountains today-hope you have a great one.
    Hugs, Noreen

  17. I have to smile at Shyla's "get that treat" face!

  18. The many expressions of Shyla! We loved it! No wonder you got a migraine with pawlitics being what they are. We hope Shyla made you better!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley


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