Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wordless Wednesday - The Labraduo

I think I'm gonna win!

No fair - you gave R a head start!

Ruh roh, the wind is starting.

Noooo, anything but the wind!


  1. You were running like the wind so the wind must have showed up to check you out!

  2. That darn wind causes so much havoc, doesn't it, Shyla!!! We bet you can beat R but just don't want to hurt his feelings.

  3. It's really windy here too, so it must be March --- the disadvantage of living so high in the mountains. We really notice it when the jet stream is overhead.

    Andy had to clear a couple of trees off the road on the way home tonight. He came home a different route to avoid one big one that he will work on for an hour or so tomorrow.

  4. They are too cute! The girls have the same problem with the wind! :D

  5. The wind and sun made for some fun doggie facial expressions! Great photos!

  6. Sometimes the wind makes us run faster! Does it make R and Shyla run fsst?

  7. Haha, eyes shut and ears out flapping, beware of wind that is in excess of what you can stand still in.

  8. We had some really high winds today but Lucy doesn't seem to mind. I surely did. Like the duo, I tend to close my eyes because they tear up so badly from the wind it looks like I'm crying. Lovely photographs.

  9. The wonderful duo! We have had lots of wind lately too
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  10. Very funny ....... hope the wind goes soon, aye??

  11. I make the same wind-face like you LOL... and we have strong wind here... it's not easy for longhaired breeds like my momma hehehehe

  12. You are both winners - even with the wind!

  13. Haha! Perfect short story, KB :)

  14. LOL...That's how we feel about the wind too.


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