Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Photography and Seeing Beautiful

Since becoming a photographer, I notice the sunlight angle and hue much more than ever before. At this time of year, the sun's angle as it rises changes daily. Every year, we have a window of about five days when the sun shines on Shyla's favorite jumping log at sunrise.

I find it to be quite a challenge to get an in-focus photo of Shyla sprinting straight toward me and then leaping into the air. I captured a couple of good ones this year, and now that window of good light is closed.

I think this one was my favorite. Shyla appears to be flying!

Unfortunately, we had some bad weather during that five day window. It snowed a foot, covering up the log, and the sun stayed hidden for a day. But that didn't stop us! Shyla leaped the invisible log, carrying a red toy that she loves retrieving.

At the same time of year, the sunset light shines on a rocky area where I've photographed our dogs for at least a decade with the warm glow of the sunset upon them.

The sunset spot has a longer window of good light so you'll be seeing photos of the Duo from there for a little while longer!
It's amazing how learning photography has changed how I look at the world. The biggest change is how I notice the light... because light is the ingredient that makes a photo special. But, I also notice other small beautiful things that I might have never noticed before. I guess you can say that photography has taught me how to "see beautiful" in my everyday world.

I hope that you're having a beautiful day!


  1. I love your photos so much! The ones of Shyla jumping over her favorite log are so cute and I love the sunset ones of the duo, too! I've noticed the same thing with myself and noticing the light. I never thought about light that much before I got my dslr. I would just point and shoot and whatever I got, I got. Now I totally think about placement and where the best light is. Sometimes I don't always do that good of a job but I am making much more of an effort!

  2. these are incredible and the light is wonderful. they are so beautiful together with the sun painting every highlight. keep following the sun

  3. Your photography just gets better and better. That second last one of the duo is my favourite. I see beautiful in all of your photos .... Lynn, Charlie's Mum.

  4. KB, I see Beautiful every time I visit-firstly with you, your pups and of course your photos of your area. I love the first pic of Shyla mid-air. I remember when we were moving into our home and the old owner told us the south side of the house gets so hot in winter you have to lower the blinds. I inwardly laughed, thinking no way, but do to the sun we sometimes have to lower the blinds to see others. I hope your week is wonderful!
    Hugs, Noreen

  5. You have the most amazing photos and I often go back and enjoy the older posts again. Hey, I do think Shyla really is flying!!!

  6. Don't think we're kidding when we say this is better than Nat Geo!!
    Lily & Edward

  7. Beautiful, over the log, and again when hidden. The duo, that is one stunner. Down here, cooler suddenly, in the mornings, 11C, so welcome, and can look at sewing again now the 30C days might have gone.I, too, look at so much with different eyes, after getting my Canon .

  8. We always find your photography to be amazing. We have to agree totally with Lily and Edward.

  9. YOU help me see beautiful every day! Really.

  10. Lovely golden shots. It's true about photography. I notice light, texture, and all kinds of different things now.

  11. I always loves your photos!!!! I loves all the action shots and all the golden sunlight making enchanted photos...just beautifuls indeed!!!
    Nows, if only you can talk Ma into gettin' a better camera than her point and shoot, maybe I can look as good as you two!!!! nah...probably not....☺
    Ruby ♥

  12. Great photos!!! What do you think of your new micro camera? I'm still considering new camera options.

  13. What a fabulous shot of Shyla flying!

  14. It's true, with a camera in hand you analyze the light and notice tiny details more. Lovely photos of the duo :) You see so much beautiful, then share it with us!

  15. your photos are full of life and I love it how you catch "THE" moment with your cam. well done, I work on my photos but I think I'm not talented enough to create a real artpiece :o)

  16. Your pictures are so beautiful. It is so cool to look at things through a lens and see the beautiful that is all around. I love Shyla running and the look on her face. Pure bliss!!

  17. We can see why that first one is your favorite! It is a wonderful photo and projects Shyla as powerful and energetic!

    Keep Calm & Bark On Cuz It's Less Than 100 days until B*A*R*!!

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. Your action shots always amaze me - wonderful. My camera has taught me to seek the light - a good metaphor for living, I think.


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