Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 18, 2016

Good news and a snow day!

I awakened feeling sluggish, as I looked at the bigger than expected snowfall outside our windows. Soon, however, the day turned around. It seems that we have a date for R's surgery! The surgeon still needs to get plane tickets so I'm still cautious about celebrating too much. However, if things continue to fall into place, his surgery will be in early April. That will be the first step toward making him able to romp in our forests again!

My attitude was substantially different after hearing that news. Shyla and I headed out for a snowshoe hike. The snow was much too deep to try to ride my fat bike without some work packing down the trails first.

Shyla was her usual exuberant self in fresh snow. She loves snow!

It was deep enough that she had to start moving from in the snow by popping straight upward! That move always makes me laugh!

After popping upward, she could gallop pretty normally, especially when she was in my snowshoe tracks.

Her clear-eyed joy was obvious to me.

Even after two passes on a trail with my snowshoes, it was impossible to ride my snow bike on the trails so I pedaled toward a nearby side road with almost no traffic, except for elk. As I started down the road, I spotted a small group of elk standing closely bunched together in a meadow. It was snowing very hard at that point.

On my return ride, I saw them again, this time lying in the snow. I wonder how this splinter group got separated from the rest of the herd. Having seen the whole herd together several times this year, I know it has somewhere in the range of 200 elk in it.
This scene is a typical March scene for us. March means lots of snow and elk hanging out in the meadows near our house. Sometimes the snow is hard for me to handle because I'm ready for springtime. However, after I get outside in the elements, I usually appreciate the wintery beauty.

Although I loved my time outside today, the best part of the day was finding out that R's surgery will happen fairly soon. It'll be a tough surgery and a tough recovery. However, I'm thrilled that we're finally close to starting that journey.


  1. That's awesome news about R's surgery! I hope it all works out for him! Shyla looks very happy today! I also love the elk photos! They are so neat!

  2. Wonderful news. I know it makes all of you feel a bit better.

  3. Great news! We'll keep our paws crossed. Love the elk in the snow.

  4. Oh that is such good news and we're so happy that things are coming together. Shyla, we sure enjoy seeing you have so much fun. There used to be two dogs in the family and they loved romping in the snow.

  5. As soon as we saw the title, we just knew the surgery was ON!!! Shyla looks like she has picked up on your joy:) All paws crossed here for all to go well for R.

  6. We're so happy to hear that R's surgery is on the books and will keep our paws crossed that it all goes as planned.

  7. Yea!!!!! Doin' happy zoomies here!!! I am so thrilled that things are progressing, and, paws crossed, he will gets his surgery! WoooHooo!
    Shyla you made me BOL!! Those are FABulous photos! I wish I had snow to jump in...do some snow-hops for me, k?
    Ruby ♥

  8. That is fantastic news!!! I'm so happy for you all. <3

  9. Yay for R's surgery date!! So happy!! You all got a lot of snow. Shyla seems to be having some fun for sure!!

  10. The best news of all, it has taken so long and so many hurdles on the way. Those Elk, hunkering down in the falling snow, what a sight.

  11. That's great news! I hope everything continues to move along smoothly from now on, and soon R will be able to move along smoothly also :

  12. Wahoo! we will keep happy thoughts that things will continue to fall into place for R's surgery
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  13. I love the pictures of Shyla and have my fingers crossed for R. What a relief it will be when the surgery is over with!

  14. Funny how our whole mood can turn around due to one thing, even if it hadn't been on our minds before.

    Wow, I can't even IMAGINE living with that much snow.

  15. What great news about R! We will be keeping fingers and paws crossed for him! You look so happy, Shyla☺

  16. happy news indeed.. prayers for the surgery.. i love her face with the snow on it

  17. Very good news about R's surgery! Those scenes with the elk are amazing!! I just never tire of seeing Shyla's joy each and every time she is out frolicking in the snow!!

  18. I hope the surgeon can come to do R's surgery... all paws and fingers are crossed that with this good news much more good news will come to you...

  19. Yes! So happy that R will be mending soon. The elk photos are beautiful. I love seeing Shyla so joyful and strong.

  20. Such great news about R - hope it all works out.

  21. Thrilled to hear about R! Everything crossed that it works out! The snow is melting here, only about a foot left, but the cold temperatures have returned (It was close to 0 F this morning). One more day until spring!

  22. Such wonderful news about R's surgery!!! Also just love the snowy elk scenes!

  23. First, so glad for you all that "R"'s surgery might well be coming soon—fingers and paws crossed! And may we say that those photos of Elk are simply spectacular!

  24. Yay for the surgeon and I hope you soon get a date from him!

    Great pics of sweet Shyla romping in the snow, its so pretty how she holds her paws when she comes up for her leap!

    I also love the elk pics, would love someday to see that size 200 herd. Say, maybe its an election year for the elk and the small group really hates the big group and they just had to split up! Sound familiar?


    Jo, Stella and Queen ZeZe

  25. Oh what a beautiful, beautiful day,,, and yes,,, good news for R!


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