Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Starry Saturday

I finally tried something that I should have attempted a long time ago - star trails over our house. I chose a clear night when the moon hadn't risen yet, and I set up my tripod outside in the snow. I left it out there, taking a series of 5 minute exposures for more than 1.5 hours.
It turned out better than I ever expected! This shows me that I might be able to capture some of the bigger meteor showers from near our house. It was a fun experiment that told me that I'd been missing out on star photos at home for too long!


  1. Did you know that NASA will send you an email alert anytime the International Space Station will be overhead, with a bearing for the appearance on and over the horizon? I've only seen it once - I think! - because it was passing in and out of gaps in a network of tree branches, but I always check the weather to see if the sky will be clear enough to - maybe! - see it :)

  2. Just goes to show you never know what's in your own backyard:)

  3. We do often overlook the things we could be doing at home! Beautiful!

  4. That's pretty amazing! We can't imagine being able to see stars like that.

  5. I rarely photograph at night though my camera has settings for long exposure. I'm always amazed at star travel!

  6. That's gorgeous! It looks like something out of a travel magazine. <3

  7. How awesome to make a star trail photo look so good right at home! I have a little too much city light, even though I'm outside the city, but I'm hoping to try for the Milky Way (from a darker spot) soon...

  8. Your pictures are always so beautiful!!

  9. Oh my gosh KB!!!!
    You did it,, and its beautiful!

  10. Very cool as always, but it is also neat to see a glimpse of your house!

  11. Looks great! And I am imagining your house probably has lots of wood and brick... I have a bit of a romantic view of American houses.


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