Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 13, 2016

On the Upswing

Yesterday evening, the world looked gray as we started our "sunset" hike. I didn't expect any beautiful sights when we arrived up high. I was wrong.

It was a far more subtle sunset than usual. This was the view to the southwest. Slightly left of the middle, you can see the ski area on the horizon.

We walked out to a more exposed viewpoint. During our short walk, the clouds had closed in even more and had completely hidden the ski area. Directly to the west, we could see the outlines of high mountains being snowed upon.

By this morning, most of the clouds had cleared out. Shyla and I enjoyed some early morning fun in the sun.

Some clouds remained from the cloudy evening, clinging to the Divide. I was awed by the beauty of the craggy mountains covered in fresh snow and hugged by puffy clouds.

Shyla was in fine form. The wind was blowing but she wasn't afraid. She seemed super upbeat and eager to play our training games. I think that she's returning to normal, leaving the recent fear phase behind. I decided against taking her to town for training class this afternoon. I'd rather keep her confidence rising than give her a tough challenge right now.
Happy Sunday to all of you!


  1. Shyla does look so very happy!!! Those clouds are amazing too.

  2. Oh she looks oh so very happy. And momma loved the clouds clinging to the mountain.

  3. I always love your photos - so breathtakingly beautiful!

  4. Lookin' good gurl! I especially love that you gots TWO toys in your mouth! hehehe
    Ruby ♥

  5. We love that you have both Wubbas in your mouth, Shyla☺

  6. I love how the clouds just lay on the mountain tops.

  7. it looks like a magic land... and I'm sure miracles can happen there :o)

  8. love the snowing on the mountains
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  9. Some people will never see some of the beauty you see every day
    Lily & Edward

  10. Shyla is always in fine form! If you are getting the storm we are having today you are in for an adventure - hang on!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. I don't think the daughter of the mountains will complain :)

  12. What a beautiful Sunday you had!

  13. such gorgeous images! love the clouds and colors.


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