Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Peaceful Sunset Hikes

I've been enjoying sunset hikes with the Duo so much. It's been sunny, not windy, and so quiet. We haven't even seen any moose recently.

R runs as if he has no idea that we've been fretting about him. Anything he does, he puts his full enthusiasm into!

And he looks regal in the setting sun.

I don't know what I'd do without having a forest outside our back door. When I'm there, I focus on the natural beauty and on our Duo. And, the Duo keeps me laughing. In this case, R was expecting a treat, which caused him to open the drool faucet!

Happy Saturday.


  1. They are both so cute! I'm glad the weather hasn't been terrible for you! I wish we had a little sun here!

  2. Haha, the drool. Cocoa was drooling all over us today!! Sunset hikes sounds beautiful. And a good way to relax at night!!

  3. They really are such a handsome duo. We are happy you can all enjoy those sunset hikes so much.

  4. In our house, we call those long strings of drool "slobbercicles" (analogous with icicles). :) My Jasper is a master of the slobbercicle, LOL.

  5. Happy Saturday to you and your beautiful pups!

  6. His eyes, so innocent as if to say " What, Me?? Are you talking about me? I didn't do anything wrong".Beautiful sky, as always.

  7. We know all about that drool faucet☺ Beautiful shots, KB.

  8. Beautiful. We are just now adopting a 1-yr old (almost Lab ...) puppy, goal: train him as well as you have yours. Ha, ha!

  9. It's amazing how quickly dogs turn on the drool at the prospect of a treat!

  10. Such beautiful photos of your beautiful sweeties!

  11. Wow, R does have a drool faucet! Beautiful sunsets in the west!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!
    Murphy & Stanley

  12. So happy to see R out enjoying himself and not having to rest his elbow. He looks so happy.

  13. That golden light is stunning.

  14. OMG that pic of R's drool - it made me smile big! Indy's drool is torrential when he is waiting for his coming-in treat. I cannot believe the amount of drool that comes from his mouth!

  15. And I can't imagine having a forest at my back door!

  16. R is so handsome, and still looks like a puppy!


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