Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Silly Labs!

No question - all of our Labs have been toy destroyers. Somehow, this one toy has survived several generations of dogs. 

To our surprise, they all have liked to carry it in the same crazy way. Here's R...

And, here's Shyla...
Shyla can perhaps peek a little with her eyes. When R carries it, it looks as if he must be totally blinded by the toy!

Silly Labs!


  1. We are good to our toys for some reason. stella rose

  2. I saw a similar toy all the way around the neck of a lab being taken for a walk. I assumed it was to keep the dog from biting or licking at a wound!

  3. They are too cute! Phoenix likes to carry her frisbee that way, too!

  4. Piper has always had a strange attitude about toys. Anything made of fabric, like plush toys, is torn open and redistributed all over the house - nothing strange there, I guess.
    But any of the many expensive rubber toys, or other "indestructible" dog toys I've bought over the years, has initially greeted with great excitement but at the first opportunity, hidden somewhere that I can't find it and Piper never, ever plays with it again. I swear she is hiding them so I can't "make" her play with them!
    Now I've knitted a big "rat" using camel wool yarn (should smell interesting, right?) and stuffed it with raw cashmere (ditto on the smell). So far, we've had the Initial Excitement, and I'm waiting to see if it disappears before she plays with it again!

  5. OMD! that is funny!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  6. You guys are too funny with that donut toy☺

  7. It must be lab tested!

    Your just back from vacation pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. Too cute:)

    We have a few of toys from that same manufacturer and they have held up well. Of course, they don't rank at the top of their preferred toy list:)

  9. This is so funny!! Amazing that the toy lasted for so long. I love the way they carry it!!

  10. BOL R and Shyla y'all are silly labs.

    Aroo to you,

  11. We have that same toy and the dogs carry it that way, too! They have a bit more room to see through the hole, though. ;)

  12. That is too funny!

    I really love the retriever tendency to carry toys around. My childhood Lab always insisted on going to find a toy before she could greet us when we came home; I was so happy that my old dog learned the same habit from her and that Lilo also (albeit to a lesser degree) picked up the same from him.

    (Sorry if this posts a million times. Having trouble logging in!)

  13. You guys! Rarely do we break our toys. We pull their eyes out though
    Lily & Edward

  14. Shyla!! The wind is blowing here. I do not like it one bit, butt i'm braver than my brother Bart who would get totally freaked out. Can I come and play with your toy??


  15. So funny. We have a tire that both dogs used to carry just like that. So silly indeed.

  16. That's hilarious! I am so bad at trying to control every second of the dog's life with training, even though I so love the impromptu things they do, like wearing this toy! Haha!


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