Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 21, 2016

The Bond of the Labraduo

I don't know what makes some dogs bond so strongly to each other while others don't. I do know that Shyla and R have a wonderful bond.

They seem to move in sync at times as if their bond is unconsciously guiding their actions. In that way, they remind me of our first pair of dogs, littermates who we adopted together. Those two dogs, Astro and Rover, seemed to communicate telepathically. We don't have many photos of them because Rover died so young. Moreover, we were too inexperienced as dog owners to know how fleeting a dog's life is and to take tons of photos! In the right sidebar, you can see one photo of them under an apple tree that was blossoming.

R and Shyla are our first pair who are not littermates but who seem to have a similar affinity for each other as littermates. They love to share sun puddles in the winter.

I love how Shyla snuggles with R's paw.
Although we have many dog beds around the house, they frequently share one, with heads and paws propped on each other. I love it!

They can be difficult to photograph together because they both intensely scan the world around them while I'm clicking the shutter. They also react to every nuance of each others behavior. Consequently, it's rare to get them both looking in my general direction with their eyes open!

For that reason, I sometimes separate them for photos. That helps the single dog to focus on me rather than his sibling!
I hope that they have many more years of romping together and with us!


  1. Oh we love that picture of them with their heads side by side. How pretty. Maggie and gussie are best buds, they play and do zoomies etc. We all do sleep together, but usually during playtime it is just them. Sometimes gussie will play wif me, but Mags likes gussie to herself. she can be selfish.
    stella rose

  2. Love these pictures so much especially the pictures of the two sleeping beauties.

  3. What a feel good post to see that bond
    Lily & Edward

  4. They are so cute together! It's so nice when the whole household gets along! I wish my girls were more snuggly with each other! They will sometimes but not very often. Zoe is kind of grumpy about her space.

  5. So sweet! Brings back memories of how closely bonded Thunder and Ciara always were:(

  6. Such lovely pictures! I hope they have many more years of such perfect companionship :)
    I always smile when I see my goats sleeping together. Once the kids outgrow falling asleep together, I don't see it often. But sometimes a bonded pair will get in the habit of one using the other as a comfy pillow. They look so peaceful!

  7. Love the duo together. Years ago our original 4 pugs would all pile together. When Hazel was a puppy she would snuggle with Bailey. But over the years that stopped and they rarely do - it makes me almost cry when it does happen now. Mabel will get in one of the beds with Hazel and Hazel will usually only stay for a minute then move to another. But - Sunday they slept in the same bed for a while and it just tickled me to see them
    Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  8. It's so beautiful to see the love that they share for each other♥

  9. They really are such a wonderful duo!

  10. Oh my goodness that picture of Shyla snuggling with R's paw. Precious!! It is cool they have such a special bond. I would like to someday adopt another pup but I am not sure how Cocoa would react.

  11. I haop they have many years together, too. I loved watching Bart and Gizmo work together. While they were usually ingaged in something naughty, their choreography did seem telepathic!

  12. They compliment each other perfectly. In everything they do, they way they are together, even color.

  13. So love these pictures—they are indeed a duo! The look on R's face in the next to the last photo—he's squinting a bit—looks so incredibly human to me. And perhaps by that I mean her face reflects a massive level of intelligence in that photo...which doesn't always equate with humans:-)

  14. I always get excited when the post is about the Labraduo. They are priceless.

  15. How beautiful. Being new to this dog thing as a dogsitter, I have only worked with one dog at a time really, so while I'm doing introductions for socialisation purposes I haven't had the privelege to live with more than one dog. Thankyou for sharing your experience - I can learn so much from bloggers like you!

    And I totally know what Bocci means about the squinting looking very human - it really looks like he's contemplating. What a great observation.

  16. they are so very beautiful and I love the fact they are bonded. Cooper and Baby were like this, if one was laying down the other was with them, inside and out, a matched pair and 6 years in age difference and both were rescue dogs.. Jake loved baby but they were not bonded like this

  17. what a pawsome team! it's great to watch them together... we felt love while lokking in their eyes :o)

  18. I think they are 2 peas in a pod!


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