Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thankful Thursday

I've been feeling particularly thankful recently for where we live and for our wonderful pack.

I am so thankful to live in a place where "elk traffic jams" are the most common kind of traffic jam!

This young bull definitely was keeping an eye on me.

A clique of cow elk congregated nearby, trying to decide whether to cross the road or not.

I love having open land next to my home where I can ride my mountain bike and play with the Duo every day in peace and solitude.

And I adore having the snowy Rocky Mountains in our backyard!

I am so thankful for this pair of pups who make me and the Runner smile every day!

Somehow, we've managed to fashion a life that makes us all so happy.
For that, I am thankful.


  1. That is a beautiful thing to be thankful for!

  2. and i am thankful you can share what you have just outside your door. at first i thought Santa's Reindeer had run a way from home

  3. And a good life it is. I'm wondering of you got snow from this latest storm. Our kids on the front range and in Denver got hit hard. We had 11" - good skiing this AM.

  4. Yes, we have so much to be thankful for!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. What a bunch of wonderful things to be thankful for!!

  6. It's so beautiful there! I wish I could live somewhere similar!

  7. You are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful part of the world. We can see why you are so thankful for all that beauty around you.

  8. This is the season to be thankful and you are certainly showing how thankful you are

  9. So many blessings for sure. It is so wonderful to be able to live in a place where there is so much to explore and room to run and play!!

  10. Oh my, your happiness always shows in the beauty of your photos!

  11. You certainly do live in a beautiful place!

  12. You guys see nutty looking 4-legged
    Lily & Edward

  13. You've worked hard to have such a wonderful life. I'm thankful that you take time to share bits of it with us every day!

  14. And you know what? We can feel your thankfulness.

  15. I am so thankful that you share all of this beauty with us, every single day! I dream of living somewhere like that someday, too.

    Thanks for the reminder to be thankful, and the wonderful elk pictures.

  16. I think crafting a life with as many beautiful elements as possible is deeply important, whether it's a potted plant in your window or the Great Divide outside your door :)

  17. That does sound like something to be thankful for - and I am so glad you have those things, because we can see how you appreciate them!


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