Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 25, 2016

Flying Friday

Shyla simply loves to leap. She springs off the ground at the slightest provocation. When she launches, I frequently wonder if she has springs for legs!

It makes me smile to see her fly, just for fun.

It also makes me smile that I have finally acquired the skill of capturing her image as she flies!

I wish that R could leap. We've been told to avoid all situations where he might leap since his elbow dysplasia was diagnosed when he was a puppy.

He expresses his joy in other ways. But I sure do love the art of a graceful leap!
Happy Flying Friday!


  1. Maybe R makes up for it by his joy in swimming! Lucky dogs, to be at home in more than one Element :)

  2. Wow Shyla, you really caught some air!

  3. She looks like she's having so much fun!

  4. Beautiful Shyla is just as beautiful flying and leaping as she is with all four on the ground:)

    Happy Easter weekend.

  5. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful sweet Shyla!

  6. She totally looks like she is flying and having a wonderful time!!

  7. She looks like a Springer Spaniel with those leaps. Love the photographs.

  8. Even with R not being able to get high off the ground you do have two flying dogs

  9. Super Shyla!! What wonderful captures of her in flight!

  10. I lept today!! Right over a little fence so I could get to the trail and my friends!!


  11. wonderful action shots!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  12. with good winds and the ears in the right positiion I'm sure you could fly... and I wouldn't be surprised if you once would land on my window sill for a short visit :o)

  13. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - look at you fly, Shyla☺

  14. I think feeling the wind rush by would be great - wish *I* could 'fly' like that!

  15. Walter loves to leap too but being mostly a boxer he leaps straight up and can go about 5 feet high. Those are great captures of Miss Shyla doing what she loves.


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