Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 26, 2016

'Tis the Season

'Tis the season of spring snows. They are deep and heavy. As much as we love our mountains, I start to go a little crazy at this time of year. If I were a drinker, I'd be driven to drink!

I am dreaming of a trip to the desert...

It is warm and sunny there at this time of year.

The desert sunsets are spectacular.

And so many stars are visible that I adore star-gazing after dark.
Springtime means it's desert time for us!


  1. Yup, since we came home from southern Utah my tolerance for cold but typical spring weather has really lessened!

    Happy Easter!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. From our home to yours, Happy Easter! I totally agree with you concerning spring snow, I'm so ready for warmth! Hubby and I are going to Kauai for one week; hoping I'll link up with Val. Hope the snow leaves you alone today KB. Hugs to you and the pack.

  3. The desert in bloom is amazing indeed. Have a great trip. I'm sure even Shyla is tiring of the snow. Well, maybe not.

  4. We hope you get your desert trip soon!

  5. Although we have had a few rough days here with seizures, the pups may have a white Easter - some areas here may actually see accumulating snow:) Now that could be just a half inch, but it won't take much to please the sibes.

    Happy Easter.

  6. It has been very wet and damp and kind of cold here even though we really have had a mild winter. It is time for hot and sunshine!! Hope you are having a nice weekend!!

  7. We hope you get to go to the desert soon too,, and that spring will come!

  8. I don't blame your for going stir crazy at the end of winter/spring! We've had a lot of nonstop rain days and it's been pretty miserable! The desert looks amazing!

  9. Yes it is that time of year when spring teases us and winter won't let go. we started snowing last night and woke up to a layer of wet snow. Now it is all gone and we expect a cool spring day tomorrow only to have another snow storm expected Mon
    Have a Happy Easter
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  10. I hopped over here from The Dogs of Greenhill Farm. What amazing photographs you take. I appreciate the time and discomfort you've spent lying on the ground in all kinds of weather to take them.

  11. Like you, I look at my photos on days when I wish I were somewhere else. I can go to the beach, on a particularly beautiful walk or be with which ever dog I want to go with!! There might even be a beautiful sunset...

  12. I know what you mean about how the winter drags on -- I used to feel that way every year in Alaska. A vacation is a must, and stargazing is a perfect distraction!

  13. I love the picture of Shyla with the bottle!

  14. I hope you will find a lot of eggs in the snow anyway... Have a great Easter weekend... and yes, such a drink is a good idea :o)

  15. The desert sounds fabulous! I am getting away on a little excursion...so tired of the grey skies...no flowers yet! I feel a need to see a Palm Tree! Wishing you and your family a very Happy Easter!

  16. We've had two snows in the past week. About 5 inches each. It's gone now, but still. And yes, the desert and the swell are calling to me as well. It needs to get a bit warmer there though.

  17. Your desert trips are sort of like our beach trips. Our scenery may differ, but we both enjoy the change of pace! So good for the soul.

  18. Oh my, does Shyla really have that bottle of whiskey?
    I am so glad CheerfulMonk mentioned the bottle - no one else did, I was starting to think perhaps I'D been drinking, haha!


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