Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 29, 2016

A Step Forward

Our black dog, R, might get his stitches out today.

I feel as if he's spent the past two weeks lying on this bed, just patiently waiting to get better (except when he's caterwauling).

I take off his Zen Collar a few times a day to let him feel more normal. The great news is that, if the stitches come out, he won't need the collar anymore! He also won't have a bandage anymore!
However, he still has a long period of very little physical exercise ahead of him. Fortunately, he is learning to chill out, with a little help from medication.

We are heading to a Friday afternoon vet visit. Happy Friday!

P.S. Could someone tell the Mother Nature that it's springtime? This was the scene outdoors today.


  1. I hope the stitches were ready to come out and R will feel a lot more "himself"...except for the high-activity part. What a good boy he is being.
    And I hope your migraines take a hike and never come back! I've been listening to guided meditations on my laptop when I wake up in the wee hours with a splitting headache (not a migraine, though, fortunately) and can't get back to sleep. It must be helping, because I do fall asleep and usually get another 2 or 3 hours, which really helps.

  2. Oh, we hope they can come out. And speaking of out maybe the sun needs to come out and melt that snow!
    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. So glad to hear R is continuing to do well. Sweet, sweet boy.


  4. Safe travels to the vet with all that snow. We bet that "R" will feel a lot happier without the collar. HOpe the stitches can be removed. Hang in there, R - you are doing a great job!!!

  5. Glad R is progressing nicely! Very hard to imagine still having snowy weather! We've had the A/C on for about a week now due to humid air and also the high pollen content of the air.

  6. That's some good news R, we're cheering you on handsome boy.

  7. Good luck R, in time you will be up and around
    Lily & Edward

  8. Good luck, R!! We hope everything went well.

  9. Hey R!! We're hoping you'll have good news to tell us tomorrow!!


  10. Crikey ..... R looks sooooo sad!! he must be getting awful sick of doing nothing, aye?? It's good to see there is progress though. It's always better when those stitches come out and that collar thing comes off. It won't be long R ...... can't wait to see you running again with Shyla. Hang in there, aye??

  11. Oh R! You are doin' FABulously! I gots my paws crossed that you will gets your stitches out, butts take it slow, so you can really heal right and get to runnin'! Oh, and that snow looks amazin' to us! it's gonna be abouts 85 this weekend, so I'm sure the warmth is gonna head your way very soon!
    Sendin' lots of healin' vibes and POTP and AireZens and....margaritas!!!!
    Ruby ♥

  12. Oh we do hope the stitches came out - it will help him feel better!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  13. Stitches out, maybe the sun will follow suit, and is that your home up the hill a bit? What a super outlook, winter or summer.

  14. Hari OM
    Oh my word, here's keeping it all crossed for speedy stitch removal!!! (and snow...) Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  15. I am crossing my paws that the stitches can come out and the positive healing process continues!

  16. we hope that the vet has good news for you today R... and we sure hope that Mother Nature will fire that Mr. Winter now :o)

  17. If it were colder here it would look like that. It's been raining since Wednesday and predicted to continue until next week. Ugh!
    Dear R - best wishes at the vet!

  18. We're glad R is recovering nicely. Sorry about the lingering winter weather.

  19. I told Mother Nature to send you some sunshine,, and no more snow. I hope she listens.
    With R being "no activity " for awhile,, it reminds me of when I had to be tied to mommy for a long time after my surgerys
    I hope R feels better soon


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