Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Pupdate and Snow!

Our black dog got his cast-like bandage off yesterday. He seemed utterly surprised that he still had a leg - so much so that he stopped licking the frozen baby food that the vet tech was feeding him to check out his "new leg"! He was very excited about it.
The incision is on the inside of his elbow so you can't see it from this angle but it's looking good!

When he first got the bandage taken off, he was still hesitant to weight his leg. However, that is changing quickly! He has a huge limp but he's now using that leg. Today, the "rehab" phase starts. We take him for five walks of five minutes each today, and then we add a minute per walk each day this week. We also do range of motion and weighting exercises with him multiple times per day. Last, but not least, we ice his elbow after he's active. Given how cold it is, that's not my favorite part!

He still has be constantly tethered, leashed, or in a crate. No running around or bouncing for at least another 6 weeks.

We are still socked in by a storm. It hasn't dropped as much snow as expected but it's a persistent storm. It arrived on Thursday evening and it is supposed to stay at least through Monday. A familiar meadow looked alien on my snowbike ride this morning.
I had a rough ride. I've worn out my drivetrain on my bike with a lot of bad weather riding this winter. I kept getting "chainsuck" which essentially means that my chain got jammed, and I couldn't pedal. I kept trying to remedy the situation by fiddling with the chain, and I ended up with frozen hands. Argh! Bring on springtime!!!

Shyla, as usual, seemed to love the snow. She did a zany-looking retrieve over her favorite log!

At one point in our ride, perfect snowflakes were falling. I managed to get a photo of one perfect snowflake on Shyla's fur. It's above and right of the center of the photo.
As the snow continues here, it's time for yet another driveway walk with R. This rehab regime would be a lot easier in summer-like weather. Instead, I have to tear myself away from the warmth of our crackling fire to go out in the snow many times per day. Enough complaining - I'm really glad that R is progressing in the right direction!

Happy Saturday!


  1. Your snow is crazy!! So happy to hear R is doing good and he will be back running and playing soon!!

  2. Oh good! R doesn't look quite so sad today. What an ordeal for him and you but it will be well worth it, aye? That perfect snowflake is beautiful.

  3. So wonderful to hear about R - we bet he is so much more content free of the bandage!!!Six weeks is a long wait, and lots of extra work for you, but in the end it will be worth. Hope the snow goes away soon.

  4. So good to hear that R is getting better. As you know I am on restrictive activity. Boooooooo. It is hard for me but even harder for my momma.

  5. Can R just stand in the snow for a few minutes after exercising? Can you wrap it around his elbow? I don't know, I live in Southern California!

  6. I'm so glad to hear R's recovery is progressing on schedule! Tonight I am pretty wiped out and am not going to read my usual favorite blogs...except for yours, because I had to know if the bandage was off :)

  7. So good to hear that R is on the road (starting with your driveway) to recovery!

  8. I'm so glad about the good news for your boy!! The rehab is challenging, isn't it? I always just wished and hoped "they" would understand why were putting the brakes on for them, and couldn't let them be themselves. I always had to think that maybe they did.

    I love the snow-photos too, they're perfect, even if it should be spring!

  9. That snowflake picture is incredible! I love the snowy nose in her retrieve picture, too. So glad to hear that your sweet boy is progressing well--hope you have better weather for all those little walks in the very near future.

  10. Snowflakes are magical in my eyes, as we see them rarely. Wonderful news for R, and busy days for you with walkies every so often. Keep warm in your spring snow.

  11. Yay! I'm so glad to read that R is up and about a little bit! I hope his recovery continues to go really well! <3 That snowflake photo is so cool!

  12. Oh so glad baby steps are being taken in R's recovery process! Just a iittle bit at a time

  13. Every day is one step closer to recovery for R. So glad it is going well
    Mr Bailey Hazel & Mabel

  14. That picture of R melts my heart into a puddle. So glad the worst is over.

  15. You are looking great, R, and we are so happy for you! What a beautiful snowflake!

  16. R I'm so happy with you that your leg looks good. I hope so much that this new chapter brings you a lot of joy as soon as you can use it the common way :O) Maybe it is not that bad to have bad weather, so you will not miss much outside while you have to take it easy :o)

  17. Hari OM
    Woohoo, look at you 'R'!!! Now slow and steady wins the race - quite literally in this case probably - listen to what mum and VET are saying! That snow truly is beautiful... I guess there has to be SOME compensation for having the stuff around!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  18. That snow is crazy! It is very hard to work on rehab during snowstorms..that's for sure!! I am very glad to hear that R is doing so well. Shyla should have her own Reality Show! She is super photogenic. Hope things settle down soon for you all.

  19. Sending lots of good wishes for a smooth rehab for the Black Pup! And for more clement weather for all of you!

  20. this will be along 6 weeks for all of you, hope the snow melts to make the walks easier. his leg looks great from here and so happy he is walking.. prayers for a quick recovery... it is so hard because we can't talk and explain why they can't run and play

  21. We're so happy that R is doing good and we're looking forward to more progress reports. Yikes, that sure is a big bunch of snow!

  22. It's great to see that R still has a leg. BOL! We are keeping our paws crossed that he flies through his rehab (not literally though) and will be on his way to getting back to normal in no time.

  23. So glad he is progressing...before you know it he will be out romping again.

  24. I'm so glad you finally got R his operation and that he's starting the slow process of healing. He's such a sweetie.

  25. I know I still have a few more posts before I'm up to date, but I just wanted to say that you have amazing patience, KB. You must have your eye glued to the clock when you take R out - it must be nearly impossible to resist from giving the poor boy a couple more minutes!
    And I'm laughing at rottrover's comment because I'm Aussie and am wondering about the snow too. Haha!


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