Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, May 1, 2016

May Day, May Day

Today is May Day, a day of spring celebrations and a focus on flowers in the Northern Hemisphere. Not here. Not this year.

This was the view from our bedroom this morning - snow, snow, snow! That's the elk antler that Shyla found a couple of years ago.

The falling snow has slowed down so I actually enjoyed my snowbike ride today. Yesterday was pretty miserable. I got cold and damp early in the ride, and my body never fought off the chill. In contrast, today I followed the time-honored rules of winter - don't let your fingers stay uncovered for too long, don't stop for more than 5 minutes, and work hard - and I stayed warm for a good ride.

Snow never gets old for Shyla. Her joy helps my state of mind!

I think that the snow does get old for the wildlife. This bobcat walked intricate routes to avoid expending extra energy by walking on snow (this photo was taken before this round of snow). The good news for me was that his intricate routes took him very close to a trail camera!

Inside the house, we are pretending that it's springtime with some glorious flowers brought home by the Runner.
The wild irises in our area should bloom in about a month - as hard as that is to believe!

Happy May Day!


  1. Oh my gosh, Shyla has given new meaning to the expression, "a frosty smile"!
    Lovely iris :) It will be a long time before we see them blooming here, but it won't surprise me a bit if we have snow before then. It would surprise me to see the kind of snow you've got, though! Wow!

  2. Wow, Is this late for snow even for you? Stay warm!

  3. My, my goodness, that's a bunch o' snow! Shyla, you gave me the giggles girl!

  4. Silly Snowy Shyla looks so delighted!!! We can't imagine dealing with that much snow in May!!! Glad you had a good ride, but we bet you will love to see those irises in bloom soon.

  5. I have to laugh at Shyla's antler. If you had bought that at Petco it would cost $50.00

  6. Barley never gets tired of snow, either. It definitely makes it easier to deal with when you see their enthusiasm, doesn't it?

  7. Flowers to show that spring really is about to happen near you.Bobcats, I love seeing their photos, how tall is this one? And Shyla in the snow, she seems to so enjoy it all out there. Hope the two dudes at home are well.

  8. Oh Shyla! We're lgad you're STILL enjoying your snow! I didn't get to visit the snow this year...maybe next year. We're having a nice, cool, for us, spring.

    -Otto and Lisa

  9. Snow or not, pups like Shyla really do have a way of lifting our spirits, don't they?

  10. Love that picture of Shyla—her joy is contagious!

  11. We are laughing at the white snow all over your lips, Shyla☺ How very thoughtful of the Runner.

  12. Shyla is such a happy girl! Those flowers are beautiful!!

  13. Happy May Day even when it is a white one... I agree it's hard to believe that yesterday the public pools here opened their doors while we still wear boots and thick jackets... maybe some penguins come and start the pool season :o)

  14. the bobcat is really beautiful and so is the purple flower.. i don't know how you are the dogs stand all that snow.. i am a hot sun and sand person... but it sure looks pretty and fun.

  15. What a beautiful shot of the bobcat. For wildlife there's almost certainly a lot of extra energy expenditure due to snow. Never mind, spring is coming :)

  16. Shyla sure looks like she is having fun!!

  17. Colorado is up there for places to live someday...but now you have me scared lol! Beautiful photos as always.

  18. That doesn't look like the May we know
    Lily & Edward

  19. We love seeing Shyla so happy! She never tires! Everything in Shyla's world is pure fun!

  20. Forget huskies - Shyla is the truest snow dog I know!


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