Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, May 2, 2016

The Power of Play with a Sensitive Dog

Today was one of those days that I know that I live exactly where I want to be. After days of dark and snow, we had fresh snow and a bluebird sky!

It was finally a bit warmer and sunny so Shyla and I could play and train outside comfortably. Snow bombs were falling out of the trees though!

This post is part of the positive training blog hop. I've been on a very steep learning curve about how much play can change Shyla's state of mind. She and I have found a way of playing that revs her up, making her ready to retrieve with huge enthusiasm or happily do other less exciting training exercises.

Our warmup play routine also makes her recalls even faster!

I've learned that playing with Shyla before and during every training session really reinforces that I'm her partner and will protect her. With her fearful personality, that's very important. The second thing is that play revs up her drive to work. It's amazing how it transforms her state of mind (and mine too!).

Here's a video of us playing. After we played, you'll see that I had her do an exercise that required strong impulse control. I placed a treat between her front paws, and she needed to make eye contact with me before I'd say "get it" (meaning that she could eat the treat). She almost messed up the first one but then did the second two perfectly.

However, the issue with a dog like Shyla is that her excitement will dive downward after an "impulse control" exercise like that one. So, I immediately did another short play bout to bring her drive back up for our next training games.

Learning about the role of play in training has made a huge difference to me and Shyla. It took me a while to figure out how to play with her because she isn't the sort of dog who immediately grabbed a tug toy and started playing with me. I had to gradually cultivate her interest in playing with me by experimenting with different games and seeing what she liked. We're still experimenting! And, wow, we are having fun!


  1. You are doing a fantastic job with Shyla's training

  2. Shyle so loves to be with you - you are just what she needs!

  3. You are doing such a great job with Shyla! <3 It's so awesome that you're trying to figure out what sort of games she likes!

  4. I love the first photo of Shyla she looks so happy and sweet.

    Aroo to you,

  5. That Shyla ,,,is so smart,,, She is one of a kind, and the bond that you have with her,,, will always be special. She trusts you,

  6. Heaps of snow for fun out there today, and Shyla has such knowing to go whichever way she is meant to.Love your snow boots!!!

  7. Great video, and you are indeed a great team!

  8. Such a fun and happy video to watch! It also gives me some ideas for Arty!

  9. Beautiful pictures in the snow! And great job figuring out what motivates Shyla!

  10. We love watching the two of you train and have fun together ☺

  11. you are a super team... and it is great to watch you together :o)

  12. You have worked wonders with her, so awesome.

  13. You sure are a smarty pants Shyla. You should see our recall! BOL
    Lily & Edward

  14. It really makes you closer and both happier!!

  15. Shyla has learned that despite her initial fears you two are a team - a dynamic duo!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. Thankyou, KB - your work with Shyla is really inspiring, and this video was really helpful and gave me ideas! It brings to home how lucky I am to be working with a excitable and confident pup right now, but also that I bet a lot of these techniques would work with Gatsby the sensitive girl.

    Also, I wonder how much snow Shyla has eaten along with the treats? Haha!

  17. Shyla is so full of love and it shows through in every photo!

  18. I loved watching Shyla play in the video. I do that same exercise too with Haley (making her look at me before getting a treat in front of her). Isn't it great, all the different things our pups learn through play?

  19. I so appreciate this video. I realize I need to work the play into the training... very interesting!


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