Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Almost Wordless Wednesday - Looking down on the desert

There's a very high cliff that I like to climb up to on my mountain bike when we're in the desert. The cliff is thousands of feet above the red rock desert floor. I don't get close to the edge.

If I look really hard at the desert floor with all its towers and brush, I see a small road. It looks like a scenic dirt road for a bike ride. Maybe next time!

One day, a couple of others arrived while I was still on the cliff. They weren't afraid of the edge.
I don't live quite that dangerously!


  1. I am also a fan of the red rock. And we got some great red rock!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. It's so cool there!

    My husband is always yelling at me to stay away from ledges!

  3. Yikes!!!! Don't get that close. This lady couldn't even look down from a distance.

  4. LOL! You bike past momma moose, that's every bit as dangerous, probably more! And how about that bear den.....just sayin' :-)

  5. Stunning views. Mom hates the edges as she hates heights which is hilarious because she was an airline pilot for many years.

    Abby Lab

  6. That dirt road looks like a wonderful place to explore!

  7. OMD, that is sooooo beautifuls!! Ma's not afraid of heights, butts I don't thinks she would get close to the edge eithers!
    Happy Hump Day!!!
    Ruby ♥

  8. OUr mom would not get anywhere close to the edge, beautiful view though
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  9. I would be so far away from the edge. I Wouldn't even know what was down below !!! Beautiful rocks and colours.

  10. Hehe - another one not going close to the edge :)

  11. Our mom isn't into living dangerously either! What magnificent photos!

  12. ohhhh we better watch it from a distance... to be on the edge of glory is something for lady gaga... not for me lol

  13. Awwww, beautiful shots. We tend to stay back from edges too.

  14. Looks like a crater, cool
    Lily & Edward

  15. Did you use a fish eye lens for the first shot? That road looks interesting but falls steeply off the edges! Don't pedal too fast!

  16. Such beautiful views from your ledge! I'm the sort you might lay down to get closer to the edge...but no standing too close, that's for sure!!

  17. That looked too close to the edge for me. Such breath taking views. Thanks for sharing. I hope you get to find that road some day.

  18. When I was in Ireland, I spent a couple of days walking on Inis Mor and photographing on the western edge of the island, where high stone cliffs drop suddenly down to the sea far below. The more hours I spent there, the more spots I moved to for photographs - the sea roaring into gaps between the massive cliffs was irresistible. Long afterward, when I saw aerial photographs and figured out exactly where I had been standing...yikes!

  19. Wow,,, this is sooo spectacular!


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