Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Angel K's Rock

Our last stop on our desert trip was to camp at K's Rock for a few days. We named it "K's Rock" because we discovered this secluded and beautiful campsite on our last trip to the desert with K.

In the desert, this is my image of heaven...
K is on our minds a lot when we're camping in this spot. There will always be a deep sadness and grief in my heart over losing her at a relatively young age to bone cancer. However, with each year, the gratitude for the incredible love she showed all of us grows.

She prepared my heart for a dog like Shyla. This picture is of me and Shyla but, four years ago, it would have been of me and K.

We brought some daffodils with us on the trip. They flourished in the LabMobile until the end of the trip. Then, we put them at the base of K's Rock as a remembrance of our special girl. Shyla lay next to them at sunset the evening before we headed home.
K's Rock would be a favorite desert place for us even if it didn't have such sentimental meaning because it's so beautiful and so quiet. However, the memories of K make it an even better place. We remember our Angel K, we tell stories about her, and we smile. Her huge heart and unquenchable joy for life made her so special.


  1. K will always have a special place in my heart as well. She introduced us to the world Of Romping and Rolling in the Rockies. A wonderful beautiful world. Thank you K

  2. It is so hard to lose a pup. K will be with you in your hearts forever.

  3. We can feel your heart smiling with those memories.

  4. Crikey ...... that sure looks like heaven to me too. Such a special place to remember K. Shyla and K's daffodils ...... so special!!

  5. Thanks for this beauiful post. It seems that Shyla knows what a special place this is for you both. LOVE that photo of her with the flowers.

  6. Sharing with us, sharing daff blooms, and sharing K's rock, such special moments.

  7. what a beautiful way to remember your beautiful K
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  8. It's those memories who keep our dogs alive!

  9. What a beautiful post. K was so special♥

  10. That is a beautiful memory. I feel the same with Norwood. There's a special place for heart dogs . They are the foundation to your soul.

    Debi and Seager.

  11. it is a special place for you... many thanks for sharing this special place with me :o)

  12. K will always be right there with you
    Lily & Edward

  13. We had first started blogging when you lost K. We will always remember your beautiful tribute to her. That is a beautiful place to remember. Hugs Stella Rose and Momma

  14. We miss K a lot too - she was such a special girl. We have no doubt that she sent you Shyla - it is just the sort of thing a heart dog like K would do.

  15. Your love for Angel K pours out in your words,,, like pollen from a flower. We will always remember Angel K.. always..
    She was a part of so many lives..
    This is a beautiful tribute.


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