Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Black Dog is Home in the Midst of a Blizzard

As of yesterday morning, the snow had retreated far enough that I found my keys that I dropped near our house last November just before our first big snowfall. Moreover, our agility course was starting to emerge from the snow.

As of this morning, all that melting had been reversed in a huge way. On the left, you can see the high end of our agility teeter-totter, barely reaching out of the snow. And our ring was barely above the snow. Behind it, you can see the tops of the posts for our jumps and weave poles. Oh my!

As of this morning, R was still in the hospital so Shyla and I headed out for a snowshoe hike in almost white-out conditions. Shyla loved it - but it was very hard to take photos because the snow was coming down so heavily.

By the time we finished our hike, R had been cleared to come home. A good friend plowed our driveway and even shoveled a path to the house for R. We feel very lucky to have close friends who live nearby.

Shortly thereafter, the Runner brought our black dog home. R didn't stay awake for long. Now he's wrapped in a sleeping bag by the crackling fire. I noticed him shivering, so I wrapped him in the sleeping bag and moved him closer to the fire. Now, thankfully, he's sound asleep.
The Runner brought home a jar of the bone fragments and bone spurs that were removed from inside R's elbow. It is astounding that he was able to walk at all based on the sheer volume of bone fragments he had floating around. A couple of them are a half inch across! I hope with all my heart that the new weight-bearing implants will mean that he stops wearing down the bones inside the joint.

Meanwhile, it is continuing to snow outside. It is relentlessly piling up but, so far, the roads have stayed open. They're snow-covered but passable to those who must go out (and to snowbikers who must get some spinning for their spines - not that I know anyone crazy enough to do that!). This is our fence that has the road just on the other side of it.
I keep myself happy during our epic spring snowstorms by imagining wildflowers falling from the sky. After all, with all this moisture, the wildflowers are going to be incredible when spring finally gets here.


  1. I hope he has a smooth recovery! Poor guy. Stay warm!

  2. We are so happy that R is home. Praying for a quick and full recovery. I checked in with Kathy Vosberg and Enzo and they are buried too

  3. We haven't had the heavy snow you have-it's been a wet snow and has just now accumulated on the grass. So glad your two made it home! I didn't know you are doing agility-is it with Shyla? Hope you have a warm cozy weekend. Hugs, Noreen

  4. All that snow is just crazy!!!! But I'm glad your boy is home safely and resting! I hope all continues to be uneventful in his recovery. Like so many, I'm also sending all our best healing vibes for a complete recovery!

  5. I am happy to see R. home, warm and loved and on the mend.


  6. Oh R!! We're so glad you're home with the pack!!

  7. So glad the incredible R is home safe and sound. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.

  8. I saw the terrific snowfall and feared R and the runner might not make it back home. Wonderful that you are all together. Still sending positive vibes with hopes for a full recovery.

  9. So.so happy that R is safe at home with his family ~

    Wonder where the surgeon is sleeping tonight ?

  10. So glad the Runner and R made it home safe. Give him a kiss from the 24 Paws of Love. We will be thinking of you all.

  11. Were so glad that R is home,. and all cuddled up to keep him nice and warm! And that he is sleeping!
    All that snow,, is just the wildest thing,,,, isn't it?
    A million healing magic bubbles to R !!

  12. Thank you so much for writing --- what a relief to have him home. Glad you can still ride your bike for your spine.

  13. Relieved that R is back home. Best wishes on an uneventful recovery and pain-free future! Best to nurse Shyla too. :)

  14. we are so glad that R is home and resting well.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  15. This is such wonderful news. Maybe winter time is good for recovery for R, no warm summer days to tempt him outside. Hope you all cope with keeping him restrained!!! And so glad the 2 guys made it safely home. Hugs to you all.

  16. We are beyond happy to see you home, R! Tons of healing vibes are heading your way!

  17. Wow! That is a lot of snow! I am so very glad to hear that R is home and relaxing by the fire. Stay warm buddy and take it easy til you feel a bit better. I hope your migraine is better today!

  18. Glad R made it home to the comfort of home! Let the healing begin!

    I can't imagine having that much snow in mid-April (thank goodness!). We spent yesterday toodling around downtown DC on our bicycles in shorts and T's!

  19. Hari OM
    Woohoo 'R', welcome home to where you are so loved!!! We had a fall of snow here yesterday too - but it didn't stay, thank goodness. Be well Black Dog - in the appropriate time! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  20. I'm a little jealous of your blizzard; how pretty everything is! Glad R and the Runner made it home.

  21. so beautiful, so sweet and so sad to see R like this. I hope he heals quickly and can move around. that is a really cool collar, so much better than that cone thing.. praying for quick healing. i know it has to be hard to care for him while healing. i assume he is walking since you had a clear path to the door. God bless those neighbors.

  22. We are so happy you were able to get R home and now, let the healing begin!

  23. I'm so glad you were able to get him home despite all that snow.

  24. Bibi - The surgeon made it out of here just ahead of the storm. So I think he's at home. He's a good guy who I am very thankful for!

  25. How wonderful to have R and the Runner home, safe and sound!! Now, hopefully the snow will melt soon!!!

  26. So glad everyone is home safe. We know R will recover much better at home with your love and care. Hope you have remained safe in the storm (it made the news here in Ottawa).

  27. I can remember those storms when I lived in OH, NY/NJ and Connecticut -- so glad I moved here to Tucson, AZ.

    Also glad that R is home--heal quickly black dog

    ttfn and toodle pip

  28. So happy R is home safe and in his loving home!! We are sending all kinds of healing vibes to him!! And oh my goodness you all have lots of snow. Stay safe and warm!!

  29. Glad to hear R and the Runner made it home despite the storm.

  30. Heal R - Heal well! And that snow needs to stop. That is a slow moving storm!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  31. Sweet R - I just had a chance to check your blog this morning - so thankful for the surgeon who did his surgery. God bless him! Praying for a slow but steady recovery for all of you. Sending hugs from Indy and I :)

  32. We're so glad R is home safe! Hoping for an easy recovery and many years of running!

  33. ME ENCANTA !!!


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