Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 15, 2016

On the road to recovery

R is out of surgery and doing well. He had no problems with anaesthesia or otherwise.

They did the CUE procedure but they discovered that the tissue inside his elbow was in unexpectedly bad shape. He had multiple very large bone spurs, and even a spot in the joint where a muscle had been torn off the bone. They first cleaned out all the bone spurs and other debris (bone fragments floating in the joint space). Then, they had to slightly modify the usual placement of the implants for weight-bearing due to the degeneration in R's elbow - but they did it.

The most important thing is that they believe it will be successful in helping R have less pain and lameness in the long run.

I think that it was worth every penny to have one of the top experts in the world do his surgery. It was not straightforward so the California vet's expertise was a huge advantage. Our black dog means so much to us.

Now R spends the night in the hospital. If he's doing okay, they will release him tomorrow around mid-day. The big question is whether the roads will be open at that time. He and the Runner might stay down in the flatlands if the snow is too bad. It's already snowing super hard.

It's going to be a long road to recovery. He will be extremely lame at first. By 8 weeks, his lameness will probably be at about the same level as before the surgery. Then, the improvement begins. It usually takes 6-12 months to see the full improvement that this surgery will give. We hope that he can romp with his sister in the snow again next winter!

Both the Runner and I have been very nervous about this surgery. Thus, it should come as no surprise to me that I have a migraine today. In fact, I've had an entire week of migraines. I need to break this cycle.

Now we can all relax and help R recover!


  1. Oh KB, I am SO glad the surgery went well, especially since things on the inside were in a worse state that expected. Poor R! And now, Lucky R! with his body already beginning a slow, gradual recovery and (fingers crossed) eventual improved function and - most of all - true comfort.
    I hope the weather doesn't complicate things, but you and the Runner seem to make such a good team and with all your prep work, you are better equipped to handle "a little weather" than most. I do hope your migraine/s will give you a break. When you mentioned having one in the run-up to the surgery, I thought, yes,that's the kind of background static that would give me a heck of a migraine, too. Here's hoping you and Shyla can just snug in (after topping all the water containers again) and have a good, refreshing, healing rest.

  2. Hari OM
    Healing vibes - to 'R' and his mom!!! YAM xx

  3. So glad it went well! Hopefully with the stress behind you, your head will clear and the clouds will clear so R and the Runner can come home!

  4. the magic healing bubbles are surrounding R !
    Thank goodness for this vet. that is helping R.
    We are hoping your migraine goes away, and the znow too.

  5. I'm so glad that the surgery went well--I'm sorry it had some extra complications, but I'm glad that they were still able to do it and that hopefully he'll be on the road to snow romping by next winter! I love this video--especially when you have her hop up after the touches and spins; Barley and I always end with a high 5 for morale ;)

  6. We are so happy to hear that the surgery went well and having the special surgeon sure was the best thing. I hope your snow isn't to bad since we know you want that special guy home with you.

  7. Thank goodness it went well! I think (and hope) your migraines will ease now that this phase has passed.

  8. Yay!!!! I hope he has a smooth recovery!

  9. We're glad to hear R's surgery went well. You are so lucky to have had such an expert on his case. We will keep our paws crossed for his recovery and for your migraines to go away.

  10. Thank you so much for the update. Sounds like good news in the long run despite the challenges of a few bumps. You are wonderful humans to do so much for R. All our best to you, R, the Runner, and Shyla. Now get some sleep and kill that migraine.

  11. What a relief and thank goodness it is over! Hopefully they will give him something to keep him from not wanting to be too active. How lucky you were to get the experienced vet to come perform the procedure as with the extra problems, I'm sure his expertise was important. Hopefully you can rest tonight and your migraine will go away.

  12. So glad this is over, and if R and Runner stay down there, avoiding treacherous roads, they will be home soon. Now to keep him quiet and not restless, I can see you'll be spending lots of time on the floor talking to him. Rest well tonight, hope that headache will now go away, and recuperation goes well. Heaps of love,

  13. Thanks for the update. So glad R tolerated the surgery well. Hope some of the anxiety is lifted and will help break the migraine cycle. Still sending positive vibes to all of you. Stay safe from the storm even if it means dividing the family for a while.

  14. So glad to hear all went well! I always fret about anesthesia. Can't wait to hear how the healing process goes and seeing more of your beautiful photos of R!

  15. sooooo happy you got it done and it went well! we're on the same 8 week period of rest! 2 crackers taking a 2 month sabbatical. Bring on the narc's! One for the cracker, 2 for us!

    I had a pretty bad headache Thurs night myself having not slept the night before Loki's surgery. After surgery, i slept great but the whole not knowing thing is just a nightmare. Now is the stress of worrying over every little whimper...

    Much love to R from us!

  16. Crikey ..... how good is that?? The surgery's over!!!! Dear R ...... please, please do everything your Mom says and before you know it you'll be back running again with NO pain. I'm sending you all the healing vibes I can muster from down her in Australia. Get well soon R!! You too Mom. I'm sure once R is back in your loving arms those headaches will fly out the window.

  17. Glad to hear the surgery is done and went well. WE will keep our paws crossed for R's recovery and hope you can somewhat relax now
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  18. I'm so glad the surgery went well. Best wishes on R's recovery, and with your migraines. I admire you and Runner for getting such wonderful care for R.

  19. You guys were in our thoughts all day yesterday, KB, and we're keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. Time for that migraine to leave!

  20. I'm so glad to hear that R made it through the surgery ok and is now on the road to recovery...albeit a long one. Now, I hope you will be able to relax a little and cure that migraine. They are just the worst. Hope the storm isn't too bad and y'all make out ok! Sending lots and lots of healing energy for R and for you...

  21. so happy R came through the surgery well and sad to hear how much he had wrong in therre. this will be along hard recovery for all of you. keeping him from running is the hardest part for your heart.. prayers for a quick recovery.

  22. I'm glad the surgery is over and now we cross all paws and finger as hard as we can that it was a success... and we hope that the 8 weeks are over soon and then for R will start a wonderful new chapter of life :o) hugs to the pup and to you... and a big hug to the surgeon :o)

  23. So, so glad that the surgery went well! May R be home soon and his recovery swift and smooth.

  24. Such good news on the surgery. I hope his recovery goes well, and everything is wonderful. Now relax, and take care of you!

  25. Oh R!! You're so lucky!! Our paws are crossed for a smooth recovery. Hopeing you get to come up the mountain soon!

    -Otto and Lisa

  26. So very glad to hear surgery went well, and that this particular specialist was able to correct the additional problems. Sending healing vibes for R's full recovery!

  27. So happy the surgery went well, and you had a vet with the experience to help with the extra issues that existed! POTP that the snow stops soon and Runner and R can travel safely home!!

  28. We are happy for the good news. We will be praying for a speedy and healing recovery.

    What timing for a snow storm! Praying for R's safe return.

    Take care of yourself you have a big job taking care of R. Hope your migraines disappear with this good news.

  29. OMD, I wasn't expecting news so soon! I am sooooo happy the dogtor was able to gets everythings worked out, and that the surgery went really well!! WooHooo! Sorry abouts the snow storm though....Sendin' lots and lots of POTP and healin' vibes and AireZens your way!
    Gosh, Ma knows abouts those my-grains! I am so sorry you are saddled with them during this...that just makes things tougher fursure. Sendin' you lots of POTP too!
    Ruby ♥♥

  30. I'm so glad the surgery went well! I hope R's recovery goes smoothly, too! <3


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