Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, April 14, 2016

R's Big Day

For a recent holiday, I got the Runner a huge gift. It is literally huge, 3' tall by 2' wide. It's this photo of R in acrylic, which now hangs by our front door.
It was funny when we put the print down at ground level, and R met a larger version of himself! I wasn't ready with a camera. R cocked his head in puzzlement.

The Runner and R have a special relationship, partly built on their daily runs together in the forest. Our first wish is that R can simply stand without slumping to protect his elbow that has been painful since he was a pup. Our big dream is that he'll be able to run again.

By the time I post tomorrow, R will be out of surgery. He's supposed to come home on Saturday morning but I'm not certain that will happen. We are being warned that the "Snowbombzilla" headed our way will drop at least 4' of snow on us between Friday and Tuesday. We are also being warned to be ready for 72 hours of no possibility of travel. I'm the worrier in the family - and I'm starting to wonder if it will be a good idea for R to be up here with us if all the roads are closed.

If he does come home on Saturday, we'll be ready for every possible contingency that we can think of ahead of time. I've made a list of things to ask the vet to send home with R, just in case.

Can you tell that I'm getting nervous? I can't help it. I love our black dog.

I am wishing R the tenaciousness of a bobcat. I've always admired bobcats, and I know that R has a similar inner strength as they do. This bobcat recently plowed through fresh deep snow on his daily hunting rounds. Can you imagine how much determination that required?

Shyla knows that her big brother has the strength to get through this, just like she has the strength to fly. I took this photo this morning - that log will be way under the snow in a couple of days.
If, by any chance, this blog goes silent - please don't worry. The odds are high that we'll lose our power. It's supposed to be a heavy wet snow so I expect it. I'm already filling water jugs (the well pump doesn't work when the power goes out), charging batteries, and getting plenty of firewood by the door.

Now, it's up to the surgeon to be on his "A-game", and it's up to us to help nurture R after surgery. Just a funny sidenote - before one of my spine surgeries, they asked if I was ready for anaesthesia. I said "Not yet, I have something to say to the surgeon.". Then, I told him that I needed him to be on his A-game. He promised that he was. He did a great job that day, and I'm sure that R's surgeon will too!

See you tomorrow!


  1. We are thinking of dear R and we know all will be okay. We hope the storm isn't as bad as predicted. Update us when you can, we'll be waiting to hear.

  2. Fingers Crossed and prayers.
    Linda Cinnamon's mom
    PS. We have started
    thinking about a new
    dog to love.

  3. I'm sorry the timing of the potential storm is so bad. We'll be sending you our best wishes and positive vibes, and we will be watching for your posts. Bless you all!

  4. Crikey, I know you folks are old hands at living with the uncertainties of winter in the mountains, but I will be Hoping Very Hard that the forecast changes tomorrow or that the snow is not nearly as heavy as predicted. But no matter what, you'll have done everything possible to prep ahead and I'm sure you'll be making the best possible decisions along the way.


  5. Everyone here is wishing you and R the best for his surgery! We've got all our fingers, toes and paws crossed for him! <3 ((hugs))

  6. We will be thinking all good thoughts for R and for you and the Runner. Fresh snow, fresh start for R - an optimistic way to view this storm. We hope it won't be quite as powerful as is expected. And whatever is best for R is what we know you will do. Hugs.

  7. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way!

  8. Checking in with my daughter who doesn't live far away from you - they have power still. I know I've said it before but your photos are just amazing.

    Abby the Lab's Mom

  9. R and fam, we're crossing our paws that all goes smoothly for you tomorrow and over the weekend.

  10. Good Luck I know the feeling of worry, my dog had CCL surgery (knee) in October and had to spend the night as well. Make sure you have lots of pain meds and antibiotics in case of infection. Poor R, I hope he has a speedy recovery and I know you will take the best care of him and provide him with all that he needs. Prayers for all of you and I hope the snow isn't as bad as they predict.

  11. Wishes for you, Runner, Shyla, R and the surgeon. He will be on his A game for sure, and sending heaps of love, and keeping you all so close to me, for the surgery and after. Let that snow pass, and your power and internet stay as they should. Hugs and love. XXX

  12. Positive thoughts for all of you will continue from our smaller mountains to your giant peaks. You should plan to let us know when the surgery is over and R is awake. Then go silent and spend your time with the duo and the runner. We can hear soon enough.

    Hope the storm isn't nearly as bad as predicted.

  13. You will be in our thoughts and prayers tomorrow. Sounds like you are all prepared. All pug paws crossed for all to go well
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  14. Sending our strongest White Dg healing energies to R that the surgeon works magic, and our most positive thoughts that R will recover quickly and with full use of his elbow. In the meantime, stay safe all. Those Spring blizzards can be unpredictable and wild. Feel our paws and arms around you all.

  15. Sending lots of good thoughts R's way! I hope that you don't get as much snow as they're predicting and that you can all be safe and warm at home together!

  16. You knows I"ve been sendin' R lots and lots and lots of good vibes and POTP and AireZens ever since you told us the surgery was on! I will up those even more, and all of Blogville will have your back! I know you have thought of everythings, you sound just like my Ma, and she likes to make lists too, so she doesn't forgets anythings. She also has a 'go bag', so that tells you lots...hehehe
    Ruby ♥

  17. We are sending loads of POTP for a smooth surgery and rehabilitation for R and in hopes the storm they are predicting isn't as bad as they say!!

    Soothing POTP to you and Runner too!!

  18. Sending lots and lots of POTP for all of you as I know you are all worried. We will be thinking of you and R and anxiously awaiting your next post. Hope the storm is not as bad as they are predicting!

  19. Sending you lots and lots of prayers and POTP.

  20. We are sending ton and tons and tons of positive thoughts your way, R, and for your mom and dad and Shyla too! Paws are crossed for you, buddy!

  21. Hari OM
    POPT x 87!!! Hugs and wags to R and blessings to the carers! YAM xx

  22. R our paws and fingers are crossed and you are in our thoughts... all the best to you and your humans... hugs&weim-power :O)

  23. Good luck R! Thoughts, prayers, and hugs go with him, and you guys!

  24. a prayer for R and for his surgeon. and that he will be able to run again soon...

  25. We're crossing our paws that everything goes pawfectly for R and he'll be able to run again soon!

  26. Hey there, KB - just dropping back in to let you know I'm thinking of you this morning and will be keeping R and all of you in my thoughts throughout the day. x Q

  27. We thought of you this morning and hope things are going well. If you want us to put R up on the POTP blog just shoot us a pic or give us the OK to steal one!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  28. I'm thinking of R and your pack - I hope for a successful recovery. It's started to snow slowly here - just enough to wet the deck as it falls. Of course we still have a lot of snow in the yard - this new storm will just add to it. Great action shots!

  29. We counting on an A+ game for all of you!

  30. All our paws and fingers are crossed that the surgery goes very well. We hope the impending snow doesn't effect your ability to care for R either.

  31. Sending you lots of hugs and good vibes R. Must be a cool picture
    Lily & Edward

  32. Shyla and Mom
    Madi and I send R our most potent kitty healing purrs and mom hugs for a successful
    Hugs madi and MOm

  33. Just stopping by to add some more POTP and good wishes for "R" and all of you too.

  34. Sending you lots of POTP, will be thinking of you
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  35. the Power Of THe Paw, and a million magic healing bubbles for R!!!

  36. We are sending our PTOP from the Bayou to R. I'm sure your vet will be on their A-gam, too. ♥

  37. It sounds as if you are preparing for every contingency you can imagine. We are hopeful R will return home and recover without incident. May you all be safe and warm - and with electricity - during the storms.

  38. Stopped by to bring Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers that all goes well...and that the storm lays down <3 <3 <3

  39. KB, we just returned from a trip to Central America. I'm visiting your posts to catch up on R's surgery story, I've been wishing him well although we had no internet. Just wanted you to know why I wasn't commenting to send support last week.


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