Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 22, 2016

Black Dog Recovery Pupdate

Yesterday, our awesome regular vet suggested some changes to R's medications. Basically, she wanted him on pain meds and anti-anxiety meds more continuously throughout the day. It made a world of difference.

Since his surgery, he was getting very upset when left alone ("separation anxiety" which he's never had before). The new medicine schedule fixed that. Moreover, he hadn't been sleeping through the night due to pain. Last night, he slept all night long!!! He is looking brighter-eyed today!

I've noticed that his face gets "dirty" when he wears a cone or a collar all day long so I clean it for him with warm water. He seems to really like it. He had just had his face wiped down in the photo above.

I also started playing a nosework game with him today. He's not allowed to stand except when he goes potty so I had to think of games he could play while lying down. I decided to introduce him to a new scent that he'll search for in nosework. Prior to today, he'd searched only for birch scent. Today, I introduced anise scent.

He played three little nosework games while lying down, and I videotaped for you, in case you're interested. I asked Shyla to hold a down-stay while I played with R. I thought it was sort of funny how her head gradually crept into the picture over the course of our games. She wanted to play too! She's about to get her chance!

Here's the video, which you can also watch at Youtube if it doesn't work here.

The most important thing was that R loved having the attention and breaking up the boredom of his recovery with some games.

Thank you all for your good wishes for him over the past week. I think they're working!


  1. Noseworks is the best! I'm glad that R was able to get some play time in even if he can't stand up. Sending lots of healing thoughts his way.

  2. Hari OM
    Oh it so very wonderful to see you at work 'R'!!! It must be a great relief to your peeps to have you feeling like playing again - cont'd POTP to you!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Crikey ..... thank goodness for your wonderful Vet, aye, R!! you're looking much brighter now. It's good to see and good to see you enjoying yourself too. Hang in there R. It's going to be worth it even if you don't think so right now.

  4. It was clearly giving him joy to be able to do a normal activity. So glad the dogtur's suggestions have made him more comfortable!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. I'm so glad that they were able to get him more comfortable with his meds! It's also awesome that you're coming up with games for him to play while he's healing! I"m sure that helps a lot!

  6. That is awesome! I want to get some tins and some scents for the dogs!

  7. So glad he;s feeling better! Great idea for the modified nose work!

  8. so glad the new medications helped

  9. Shyla cracks me up! I think R's cast is adorable but I bet he will be glad when he is rid of it! It's amazing that even being on meds he did nose work so well. Great news that he's on the mend!

  10. We're sure glad the med adjustment is help handsome and sweet R!

  11. So glad you have found things to keep R comfy and stimulated :-)

  12. Dude...That is awesome nose work practice! I think I could do that. Then do you move around the house and stuff?? Sorry about the thether and harness, butt summer is coming and you'll be swimming before we all know it. Shyla, I saw you sneaking in there to check out the anise!!


  13. Awesome - we bet R was so happy to have all that attention. Shyla was so good not to try to join in and just inch her way in a bit closer. Just checking to be sure R was playing the right way:)

  14. That is so sweet. Shyla is so good waiting her turn for games. I am so happy R is doing so good!!

  15. Good to hear R is doing better and I'm giving you an A+ for good parenting. You rock Mom!

    Aroo to you,

  16. Yay for figuring out how to help R be more comfortable and for find a way for him to get some play/work in !
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  17. I love to see you playing and happy, R! Keep up the great work♥

    Love ya lots♥

  18. so happy for the new meds and the good sleep. i loved the video and what a fantastic way to play with out getting up. would you post answers to these questions?
    how long before he can stand? how do you keep him from standing if you are not in the room? prayers for all of you

  19. it is so great that your mom came to do some nosowork while you have to be careful with your leg. that was a super idea to entertain you a little and to distract you from wearing that cone ... I bet with so much love it will heal up much much better now :o)

  20. I had to watch the video twice, as first time all I could watch was Shyla's little nose moving in and out of the film so close to food !.....so patient and polite

    The look of trust and love in R's eyes brought me to tears

  21. What a good boy! And he was clearly enjoying himself!

    Shyla's creeping closer is funny!

  22. I'm so glad the medicine is working better!
    Separation anxiety seems pretty normal, given how vulnerable R must feel at the moment. Your efforts to engage him are wonderful - and effective - that's a happier R face! And Shyla made me laugh :)
    Piper has a shaggy face and most mornings I take a warm washcloth (she even has her own washcloth) and give her a little rub-a-dub. She enjoy it, and so do I because it makes it possible to keep getting a brush or comb through her eyebrows and beard.

  23. So glad he's feeling a bit better. I think the hardest part is not being able to explain to them whats going on.

  24. We're glad to hear that R, and probably you, are able to sleep better and that he is more settled during the day. He is lucky to have such an imaginative mom to figure out how to engage his brain while he remains immobile. We hope Shyla got to play a little too since she was trying to creep into R's game.

  25. Sandra - Thanks for your comment! As for R's progress, we see the vet weekly, and they change the rules based on R's condition. However, as a general guideline, they said that he could stand and walk a bit aside from potty time starting in about a week. To be honest, he hasn't really wanted to stand so it hasn't been a problem. He's on a short tether or in a crate all the time. I've asked my husband and all our friends to call before arriving in our driveway. That way, I can supervise R so he doesn't try to jump to his feet as they arrive. My "supervision" consists of putting pieces of kibble on the bed below his snout - one at a time - for as long as he seems excited. He's getting most of his calories from my hand these days :)

    But, the main thing is that he doesn't really want to stand, making our job easier. It might get harder over this coming week if the pain starts to subside.

    Thanks again!

  26. I loved the video. What a great way to keep R busy and give him attention while he's so immobile. It must be quite an ordeal for such an active dog to be quiet and not running around. All my best wishes for a quick and full recovery.

  27. Howdy dear mates. Well you have had a lot on your plate haven't you. Sorry to hear R has had surgery but so glad it will help him. Love the nose work you did together. We will keep all paws and fingers crossed, here in Oz, for a good recovery. We scrolled back through some of your past posts. Gee, we have missed your amazing and wonderful photography. Take care all. No worries, and LOVE, Stella and Rory (and Carol)

  28. R looks like he is enjoying the attention in playing the games! I see a aparkle in his eye!

  29. KB, you are the best parent and I have learned so much. Thankyou!

  30. I love these videos - I have not trained Indy to look for a scent yet. I will try this method to start out! Love seeing sweet R, he looks pretty good considering what he has been thru.

    Thank KB for sharing all these fun videos with us!

  31. Thank you for sharing the video. It's wonderful to see R recuperating well and enjoying a game with you.


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