Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Shyla Says Carpe Diem!

I've mentioned previously here that I'm taking a great course about how to adapt my training to Shyla's unique personality. One of our instructors, Deborah Jones Ph.D., just gave a lecture where she said:

"So instead of complaining about the challenges your current dog presents in training, embrace them.  Be thankful that your dog is giving you the opportunity to learn something new, or is pushing you to find a better way.  Those are lessons you would not have learned if you didn’t have this particular dog at this particular time.  Instead of complaining, you should be thanking your dog for providing you with an opportunity for further learning.  "

Obviously, this course is pointed toward people like me who have dogs with personality issues that they didn't expect. I think the quote says it all. Shyla has taught me so much both about dog training and about life. Embracing life takes a lot of courage for a dog who fears many things. Yet, Shyla is continually optimistic and joyful. She makes me smile.
I thought you might enjoy seeing a video of Shyla and me playing during a break in our snowbike ride this morning. Shyla tugged more enthusiastically than ever before in her life!!! She looked nothing like the inhibited and scared little dog who I first met. This course is making a world of difference to me and to her!

You can watch this short video either here or at Youtube.

Shyla says Carpe Diem!


  1. Kia ora KB...Very cool! Looks like great fun. Kia Kaha e hoa.

  2. Wow,,, just look at that strong energetic Shyla!! It makes us happy to watch her!

  3. I LOVE it! I used to do that kind of play in training with Loki a lot. Juno doesn't do rough play but would go bonkers just for my attention. I stopped training during toughest part of treatment for Lyme but I'm anxious to get back to it. This is inspiring! Awesome Shyla!

  4. Love to see that tail waving non-stop!

  5. It's amazing the wild life that your trail cameras capture!! ;-)

    How long do you do this play?? I love Shyla's smile.

  6. That was an awesome video. You have done wonders with Shyla. A big tip of the tail to you

  7. Good job, team! She looks so happy!

  8. Rottrover - we don't do it for long. The key is short bouts (2 min?). Actually, I'm getting a bit worried about whether Shyla is getting too strong for my spine. I need to figure out how protect it while still being able to tug with Shyla!

  9. WooooHoooo! Two of my favorite past times! Tug and treaties!!! BOL!!
    Lookin' very happy there gurls!
    Ruby ♥

  10. Crikey .... how good is that? AND how happy does Shyla look in that pic?

  11. And I can see this is tugging with purpose, left then right, between, front, and back, and a tossed treat either way. Still snow up there. We had a beautiful hot autumn day down here.

  12. I see two best friends having the most wonderful time. I loved the video♥

  13. You two have so much fun together! That is just awesome! I love Shyla's smile!

  14. very wise Shyla! and your smile made my day too :o)

  15. Way to go Shyla, you always make us smile too! Hugs to R from all of us.

  16. thank you for the video, this gives me several ideas for a way to play with jake that doesn't involve running.

  17. The quote about embracing challenges is timely. For the first time in years, Hailey got so out of control on a walk, I couldn't handle her (I actually ended up in a ditch). Today I will shake it off and we will go back to embracing her challenge.

  18. Looks like a side benefit of your training with Shyla is that you get lots of exercise too:) Carpe Diem for sure1!

  19. Such a wonderful way to think that they are teaching us new things!!

  20. REALLY enjoyed seeing you both in this video. Hoping Spring arrives in your neighborhood SOON!!!


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