Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 8, 2016

From the Desert to the Mountains - The End of our Desert Sojourn

It was amazing how fast our time in the desert flew by. We all enjoyed the idyllic time we had relaxing there. There were even blooming Paintbrush flowers, a huge change from home where the ground was covered in a few feet of snow.

The sky was blue almost every day so we could enjoy the warmth of the sun as we basked on the wind-sculpted red rocks.

We enjoyed our last sunset at K's Rock of the trip, before we departed the next day. It's amazing how slender K's Rock is on one end.

Shyla glowed in the setting sunlight while looking very sincere.

On our last morning, Shyla had sore paw pads so she wore some new boots, gifts from our friends Lily and Edward. Although her facial expression looked dubious when I first put them on her (see the photo below), she ended up running around like a happily in them. She did not act like she was being tortured like she did in her old boots.

After our pre-travel play time, I peered toward our Colorado mountains which were visible around one end of K's Rock. I could see that winter still reigned there. I pulled my snow boots out of the back of the LabMobile, knowing I'd need them very soon.
In March, I always find it to be a hard transition from the warmth of the desert to our mountain home, where March and April are our snowiest months. When I get home, I gradually re-adapt, and I realize why it's "home" but that transition is painful!

I took one more photo of Shyla at the base of K's Rock, with K's daffodils, and we climbed into the LabMobile for the trip home. We will hopefully visit there again soon.
I loved that last photo of Shyla because she was relaxing in just the spot where K used to lie. It made me smile to see her snoozing in that spot.


  1. Our mom wishes I, Murphy, would be willing to wear boots sometimes. BUTT I turn into a statue anytime anything is on my body. Did the rock make Shyla's pads sore?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. We are always amazed at how beautiful your photos and your sentiments make the desert come alive for us. Just loving that las t photo:)

  3. Your photos make the desert look so fascinating and beautiful! I never cared much for the desert before I started following your blog but your pictures make me want to visit!

  4. You have the desert, I have the beach. Isn't that change of scenery and climate so wonderful for the soul?

  5. What a lovely, bittersweet goodbye to the desert. We too, always enjoy your desert pictures!!

  6. So many pretty pictures. So sweet the picture of Shyla relaxing where K used to.

  7. Catching up on your blog. What a nice trip! It really sounds like your trip ended with your batteries recharged by your treasured memories both old and new.

  8. Such a magic photo, that last one...

  9. Love that daffodil picture! I'm glad you had such a good time in the desert--Barley and I just don't leave the shores of Lake Erie this time of year because I know we wouldn't be able to handle going back to somewhere cold and possibly snowy after spending time in a warmer climate :) Hope the transition wasn't too painful!

  10. Sweet memories of your special place.

  11. Such a fun and amazing time. Thanks for taking us along!!!

  12. The last photo is soo beautiful. Those boots look alot like the ones our Angel Greta wore in the extreme cold
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  13. Your desert is so very beautiful. We enjoy going there with you!

    I think Angel K told Shyla about that special place to lay in the sun!
    Shyla is so beautiful laying in the sun puddle!
    Were hoping Shylas feet feel better now.. Very nice boots!
    We love your snow world too!

  14. I hope your paws are better soon Shyla... I'm glad you are fine with that boots and they help you to protect your paws. I wish Easy would like to wear boots too, specially in winter with all that salted roads...

  15. Vacations are so much fun and so full of such wonderful memories. Love the last photo♥

  16. stunning views, you live in the other paradise on earth, we in FL and you in CO.. the setting sun paints so much beauty and you do the rest with your camera

  17. OMD, those photos are amazin'!! That sunset Shyla pic is beautifuls!!!!
    I've never tried any booties...I'm not sure what I would do! BOL
    Ruby ♥


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