Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Home, Sweet Home

Home, sweet home.

It's been a crazy time here in the mountains. Mother Nature can't decide whether it's winter or spring. We've had snow. I've ridden my fat bike through intense snow squalls while the birds hunkered down to wait them out.

And we've had super warm sunny days when I've even seen Shyla pant during our runs!

In the midst of it all, I've been very busy with a training course for Shyla, trying again to help her with her remaining fear issues. I'd love to be able to leave all the fears behind but, the more tests I do to see "where we are now", the more I realize that some fears still rage inside her head. In this photo, I was working on counter-conditioning Shyla against having me step over her. With every step over her, I gave her a treat.
I apologize for my sporadic presence in Blogville. I've been overwhelmed with the time that our course takes. I may share more videos from it with you - but I don't want to overwhelm you too! In addition to the general behavior course I am taking with Shyla, we are taking an advanced Nosework course too, which both dogs love.

I'm sad that R will have to take a total break from nosework after his surgery in six days. We've learned that he truly has to stay still inside a crate, except for potty breaks, for a few weeks after the surgery. During that time, the new synthetic surfaces inside his elbow will hopefully become solidly held in the place by new bone growth. Our vet says that we'll need to sedate R during that time to keep him sufficiently still.

I'll write more about R's surgery later but the date is sneaking up very fast! I hope it's the start of a happy new chapter for R after he heals.


  1. Will Shyla still be able to snuggle up next to R to snooze during his period of sedation and recovery? I'm sure you've already been thinking about this.

  2. So excited for R to have surgery and be better than ever!!

  3. We have everything crossed for R with his surgery and recovery.

  4. We too are sending vibes for all good things to come from R's surgery. Tough days ahead but in the end it will be worth it.

  5. Six days?? Wowzers! Shyla, I want you to know that even though I'm big and tough looking, I sometimes have fears too. Mom thinks it's from before I came to live here. but It seems that we're both getting better little by little...


  6. I can see you both spending lots of time by the crate, as we did when we had a cat recovering from a broken leg ( she had a rod and pins in an external fixation!!).She was in that for about 2 months or more. Love those warm leggings, and getting Shyla so used to very close contact.

  7. Our weather has been doing that, too but obviously not as extreme. Yesterday it was 86 and today it was 64. I am also right there with you on being so busy with training classes! Between helping teach, taking classes with my own dogs and keeping up with all the homework I am pretty behind with blogging.

    Good luck to R on his upcoming surgery!

  8. I'm amazed how much you must know about Shyla. It's interesting to know that she does have a fear of your stepping over her - just goes to show even the most comfortable dogs (as she must be with you) still have quite specific fears.

    That does sound like it will be a trying time for all during the surgery - you guys more than R if he will be sedated. But knowing you guys I'm sure you will manage just fine.

  9. I hope so much that a new and happy chapter starts for you and R after the surgery.... and I hope for spring in your mountains and for our area too... it's as cold as in siberia here, hard to imagine that we wore shorts and t-shirt last april :o)

  10. We are so praying for that happy new chapter for R.

  11. I hope R's surgery goes well and his recovery is quick and easy. Good luck with the course!

  12. No dog recovering this way will be more tenderly attended to than R

  13. Gentle hugs to sweet R from all of us here. That bird sure is pretty!

  14. Hari Om
    I bet Shyla is enjoying the focused attention too! Sending all warm wishes for the impending surgicals to R!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  15. You are not overwhelming us with your videos. Its is a treat for us to watch.( and we send a million healing magic bubbles to be with R as he recoops from surgery.


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