Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, May 26, 2016

A Desert Escape

We snuck away for a couple of weeks in the warmth and sun of the desert.

Flowers were blooming and the sun was shining! It snowed at home so I was beyond thrilled to be in the desert. By May, I am done with winter.
While we camped, we spent lots of time every day working on R's rehab, and he's progressing beautifully. Even our vet (who we saw today) agrees. I'll post a more detailed update on him soon, including video of his much better looking gait. Just so I don't get your hopes up too much, he still limps but it's much better than the last video I showed you!!!

I am glad that I'll be settling back into a normal blogging routine after we get settled back in at home. Thanks for bearing with us!


  1. Welcome home! We were so hoping that your absence meant you were have a relaxing time in the desert. Good to hear the report on R too.

  2. I can think of no foursome more deserving of some desert camping time than your pack. You've all had such an ordeal and R's healing continues to take much of your time and attention. So glad he is progressing normally. Still sending positive vibes from our older mountains to your newer ones.

  3. I'm so glad you were able to spend getaway time in a favorite place! And even more glad to hear about R's progress :)

  4. Missed your posts. So glad you got away, so glad you are back

  5. I'm glad you all had a chance to get away, and that R is doing fine. :)

  6. Sneaking away for a nice vacation is always a good thing☺

  7. I wish you a wonderful time... and I hope the snow is gone when you drive back to your home... I've heard about rain in may... but snow? that#s tooo much :o)

  8. I've been taking a small break from blogging too; sometimes it's refreshing but I'm ready to get going again. So happy to hear that R is healing so well!! What a brave good boy he is. Your photos of the desert are making me long to go west :)

  9. Great news on R's improvement! Yay!

  10. I am sure the warmth of the desert was so inviting after a cold, snowy winter! We are glad you had a wonderful time.

  11. Glad to hear R is recovering so well.

  12. So glad R is doing good, and that you got some precious desert time in.

  13. Time will help heal that elbow R. That first picture looks so serene
    Lily & Edward

  14. Warm days are so good for recuperation, need lots down here, Hugh has torn a hamstring!!! Not mobile, so lots of R&R as well. great news for R, let that continue, hope your time away for yourself was equally as good.

  15. So glad you got away for some warm relaxation! I can't wait to hear how R's progressing!!

  16. Yay! I'm glad you guys were able to get away to the desert! I'm also super excited to read about how R's doing! I've been wondering if he was doing any better and I'm glad to know he is! <3

  17. Healing is progressing beautifully! What wonderful words!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. so nice to hear that R is coming along in his recovery. Bet it was nice to get away from the snow and cold
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  19. That sure is wonderful that R is making some good progress!

  20. Crikey ..... I hope that warm desert air helped in the healing process for R and you all enjoyed the break. Can't wait to hear more about R's progress.

  21. OMG, if anyone deserved a vaca, it's you guys!!!! I am so glads you had a FABulous time, and I am so glads you are home to relax and chill for the long weekend!!! I can't waits to hear all abouts it!
    Ruby ♥


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