Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Fun and Games

This game is one of the goofiest ones that I play with Shyla, probably because we both find it to be so much fun!

Balance many treats on her nose and forehead, and then release her to flip them in the air.

She never ceases to try to catch them - and then she gets to eat all the wayward ones off the ground. It's such a FUN game.
I hope that you've had some fun in your day. Do you have goofy and fun games that you play with your dog?


  1. I know two pups who would love to play that same game!!!! Bet Shyla loves it too.

  2. Look at all of those yummy treats circling your head, Shyla! What a fun game! If we came to your house for a visit, would you teach us how to do that?!

  3. You are a real pro at that beautiful Shyla!

  4. Lucy developed a silly fun game on her own. She grabs her favorite tug and brings it toward me. Then when I reach out, she "growls" and runs away as fast as she can. She runs around the sofa and then comes back to repeat the same silly process. If she could laugh I'm sure she would.

  5. I don't have a dog at the moment and really miss having one. I'm trying to decide if I should get one at my age. In the meantime I'm enjoying yours.

  6. I play fetch the treat with Blueberry as an alternative to the walks we have had to skip. I may have to step it up a notch and see if I can teach her Shyla's trick!

  7. So awesome you can do that cool trick
    Lily & Edward

  8. You are so right, it is a really fun game! Right now we have our boy Jake that does it, and the dogs love it when he misses, which is a lot of the time! :)

  9. we would love that game if we had noses for balancing on! BOl!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  10. we try it often, but we always fail... it's probably not easy for easy to balance food on his nose first... the 7 stomaches want all treats immediately :o)

  11. We love it! Since Stanley doesn't fetch he really likes it when our pawrents keep recalling him and he runs back and forth between them. He gets all goofy happy and his tail spins in circles. Me . . . there's only the ball . . .

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. Such a cutie!!! Enzo would love to see it "raining" cookies!!! Love, Kathy and Enzo

  13. It sure looks like Shyla is having fun.

  14. Cocoa likes to pick a hand that has treats in it by sniffing.

  15. Shyla,, your a super star with your treats! We love it!


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