Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Almost Wordless Wednesday

The beauty of this season astounds me.

Wild Roses...

A bear named "Socks" for her black legs who I've known since she was a cub and is now on the mating path... (see post from five years ago when Socks was driven away from her mom). I will show you videos in the coming days showing that Socks will probably be having Tiny's cubs this winter (Tiny is our huge male bear). We are seeing the circle of life from cub to mother.

 But, to my eye, none of the beauty surpasses the happy face of Shyla in a field of wildflowers.
What a time of year!


  1. We agree with you
    Shyla is the most beautiful of all

  2. You look fabulous and so happy surrounded by the beautiful wildflowers, Shyla!

  3. I look forward to following Socks (and Tiny's) journey to motherhood!

  4. I so agree Shyla is the most beautiful girl of all... and I would like to hear more about socks :O)

  5. Wow, what a great pic of Shyla among the wildflowers!

    It will be interesting to see the cub(s) that Socks has :-)

  6. We love seeing beautiful Shyla! Good luck Socks?

  7. Shyla smiling in the flowers is the definition of beautiful!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. We love seeing the joy that shines from Shyla!

  9. This is going to be fun to see what happens with Tiny, Socks, and her future cubs - keep those cameras rolling:)

    Beautiful shot of Shyla in the field of flowers!!


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