Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

A Weekend Debacle

We had a debacle of a weekend. Beforehand, it seemed like a slam dunk for a great weekend. A relative was getting married near Crested Butte, Colorado - one of the prettiest mountain places in the world. Our plan was that we'd camp near Crested Butte, attend the wedding, and enjoy a weekend in the mountains with a relative.

I'm don't think that you want to know every single thing that went wrong so I'll just give you the highlight for me. From my viewpoint, the icing on the cake was that I got the worst migraine that I've ever had. It involved intense GI issues that badly dehydrated me (plus the "usual" headache).

When the migraine reached its worst point, I collapsed in the middle of a forest road that is traveled regularly during the day. Fortunately, I collapsed on it at about 3AM. When I reopened my eyes, I wasn't sure where I was but there was a quarter dollar in front of my nose. I grabbed as a souvenir from a terrible night and crawled to the side of the road. The Runner was extremely upset that I was wandering around by myself (I didn't wake him up for that particular trip outside the Labmobile) so I've learned a lesson.

The migraine lasted for days, and I still don't feel like usual. I think that I'll pretend that the weekend never happened. I hate thinking about all the beauty that I missed.

I took this photo at "home" on the morning that we departed.
Those flowers finished blooming while we were gone so I'm glad I captured my Shyla galloping happily through them! I'm glad to be home and on the mend. I promise to have a more upbeat post tomorrow!


  1. Oh no! I'm so sorry you had such a horrible time!!

  2. Bad things like that should never happen to good people, but, sadly they do .....and your experience was about as bad as it gets......by now I hope your migraine has lessened and you are finding comfort In being safely home

    (gentle hugs)


  3. Oh goodness how horrible! Hope that it's going away now.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  4. So very sorry about such a hideous migraine!

  5. Oh, that doesn't sound very good at all. We hope that was a once in a lifetime experience. And we wish we could chase those migraines away for good. No worries about the beauty you missed, just glad you are OK.

  6. That's not the way to have a fun weekend. I'm so sorry it turned out that way. Sure hope you're on the mend.

  7. Sometimes the only way I can try to feel (sort of) "good" about a derailment of plans is to think perhaps I was spared something even more "bad" that might have happened if I had been able to proceed as planned. This may seem convoluted, I suppose. But I've had a lot of practice at trying to frame things in a positive light. As have you, I know.
    I'm really sorry this has been going on, but I am so very, very glad you are safe home. Hope you'll be feeling much better soon!

  8. Oh No!!! I am so sorry that all this happened to you. I hope that rest of this week brings you nothing but happiness. Hug those beautiful Labs for us! Love, Hugs and Golden Kisses, Kathy and Enzo

  9. Oh, wow, how scary! And how miserable on either side. Very glad the trend is looking up.

  10. Oh, that's frightening and could have had a much worse ending. So sorry you were incapacitated and ill. But I'm glad you are on the mend. Don't need to tell you 'cause I'm sure you heard it often enough from him but...wake up the runner next time.

  11. That's terrible. Sure hope you get feeling better. And as my momma's friends ALWAYS tell her, "You have to let us know where you are, where you're going.

  12. We hope you are feeling better real soon and things start looking up!!

  13. Awful. I sure hope you feel better soon.

  14. Oh dear, all by yourself in the early hours, I do hope you leave a note if you gout in the woods again. Maybe you are feeling a bit better by now, did you even get to the celebrations? Rest up, cool flannel, dark room, no noise, and no travelling, do any of these help if avoided? Hugs from a wet NZ.

  15. I'm so sorry that this attack was such a horrible one... we send POTP and hugs that the migraine-devil is gone now for a (looooong) while and you can spend a good summer without attacks...

  16. Kia ora KB...Stink! Hope you are feeling better. Kia Kaha e hoa.

  17. How awful for you, KB. We hope you're back to feeling more like yourself VERY soon!

  18. Thank goodness you are home safe, and able to recover from this.


  19. Prayers your headaches subside and cease.

    A fresh subtle scent of mint, bayberry, or pine helps me with migraines, a signal to my brain thing to lighten up. It might not for everyone. I saw on an old sitcom (forget the name of) putting a daisy in a headband to cure a headache. During a horrible migraine, I tried it. It didn't work.

  20. it was a horrible happening, but on the good side, while collasped out there all alone you did not get eaten by bears or mountain lions, or carried off by a serial killer... that should make you feel better..

  21. That's not good. Weird about the quarter dollar! I can imagine all sorts of stories about where that came from! Glad you are safe.

  22. Dang, we are sure glad you're okay and home safe. Scary indeed.

  23. Oh my God had terrifying. Thank goodness you are ok.
    Lily & Edward

  24. that sounds scary, we surely hope you are feeling much better now
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  25. OMD, this was terrible! Yes, do not go alone! We sure wish there was a solution to those terrible migraines!! We are so sorry you have to deal with this!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  26. KB, Sounds like a horrid situation for you-so glad you didn't hit your head on a boulder or anything. I hope you have recovered from the migraine and are home enjoying the beauty of your world.

  27. What if all of us in blogville joined together to BARK those migraines away? I think I might work. As long as you didn't have to hear the actual barking...


  28. Oh no! That sounds awful. I hope you're feeling back to normal soon--I hate when things like that ruin what are supposed to be fun weekends.


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