Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Silhouette Sunday

The sky continues not to disappoint us.

And the scents in the air as dusk falls grab Shyla's attention.

The only night that I was a bit disappointed was the evening of the "Strawberry Moon" on the solstice. A storm moved in a few hours before sunset, obliterating any chance of seeing the moon. However, the cloud-laden sky did become sort of strawberry colored as the sun barely peeked through from the west just before sunset. I'd never seen the sky that color - amazing!
 Happy Sunday to all my friends!


  1. It totally does look like a strawberry sky! So cool!

  2. Happy Sunday to you too!!! That last sky shot looks very "berry".

  3. Stunning! I love your silhouettes. They are always gorgeous.

    Happy Sunday to you too!

  4. Your silhouette photos are beautiful! Wow! That sky!

  5. Amazing photos - as usual! Can you believe sometimes we forget to look up!?!?!?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. Absolutely magnificent! Happy Sunday to you, KB!

  7. We always love seeing your sunset pictures. That strawberry sky is beautiful.

  8. KB, I've been catching up on your world of gorgeous field of flowers and dazzling sunset skies...and I'm speechless!
    (How often does THAT happen?)

  9. Wow, And this might be the first time I have seen Shyla's name on her collar tag . Perfect silhouettes.

  10. OMD, those are just amazin' photos!!! So jealous of those beautiful sunsets...☺
    Ruby ♥

  11. Wow! Great photos!
    Shyla is the Mufasa of canines!

  12. Such amazing colors, just right for an awesome silhouette or two!!


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