Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Sunset Saturday

We had an awe-inspiring sunset a few days ago. As we hustled up toward our favorite sunset lookout point, I could tell that it was going to be special. You can barely see the Divide on the horizon in the lower left of the photo.

 When we scampered out beyond the trees, the view stunned us.

As we stood there for a while, the sunset darkened but became even more beautiful.

I still appreciate each day that R can walk up to see the sunset with us. On the way home, I like to photograph him with the wildflowers. I'm pining to get some photos of him running but I must be patient!
Happy Saturday!


  1. Oh my, what beauty!! I love the orange-y reds!

  2. It amazes me how in in different areas/different times of year the sky can look so different. Those oranges are not colours we would see as brilliantly around here.

  3. Wow! Just spectacular! You are such a handsome boy, R♥

  4. The sunsets are just amazing in your neck of the woods. You are looking most handsome R!!!

  5. Oh, R is sure looking handsome in that photo! Yes, patience on this one fur sure! Love our western sunsets!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley AKA "Tick Tack"

  6. I know it can be hard living but you certainly live in a beautiful area

  7. What an amazing sunset. It looks like the mountains are on fire. Thank goodness they aren't.

  8. Wow! Amazing reds. It looks as if there is a huge forest fire beyond the mountains. Lovely photograph of sweet R.

  9. Oh R!! YOu have on your puppy face!!

  10. WOW it looks like the sky is on fire!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. I love it when you post pictures of R. His eyes are so expressive.

  12. Brilliant colours, and R is looking so well and so young again. I'm sure it is all those many,many hours of TLC, training recuperation, and exercises prescribed that have helped him this far so fast. Did I say Many hours? Usually work is allocated in " MAN hour" allotments!!!

  13. Fire in the sky. That is gorgeous.

  14. Ohh your sky looks like its on fire... Spectacular!


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