Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 24, 2016

Rocky Mountain Flower Beauty

Today is Flower Friday, inspired by Dory and her family.

At high elevation, the wildflowers all bloom at the same time. Shyla and I enjoy them in the National Forest every day at this time of year. She loves running through Golden Banner, a meadow flower, at this time of year.

When we look at the "lower story" of that meadow, we see these gems. I love their color and beauty.

In the "upper story", the chokecherry blossoms are incredible! They get pollinated within days of blooming. By late summer, each flower will be a berry that bears adore! The bears eat them so quickly that we rarely get to see the berries themselves!

In the wet parts of the meadows, the Shooting Stars are glorious. They are low to the ground in the green grass.

No flower post at this time of year would be complete without my favorite - the Colorado Columbine.

I hope that you enjoyed our tour of a few of our current wildflowers.
It's nirvana at our elevation right now!


  1. Absolutely mid summer. Beautiful but the mauve Columbine is my pick for today.

  2. Those are almost as beautiful as sweet Shyla!

  3. We have never seen those flowers before. So pretty
    Lily & Edward

  4. All very beautiful, but the real beauty is Ms. Shyla!!!

  5. We love you bounding through the golden wildflowers, Shyla! Gorgeous flowers!

  6. Mother nature does good work and you get great photos!

    Your Pals Who Are Trying To Catch Up,

    Murphy & Stanley & The Laundry Queen

  7. Happy Friday KB, I've been so busy with guests lately that I wasn't able to get by to say hi.
    I do love your wildflowers! We've got a lot of thunder right now-wonder if you are listening to it as well.
    Sending you wishes for a wonderful weekend.

  8. I love columbine! And the smell of the choke cherry blossoms is always wonderful.

  9. What lovely flowers with so much color and detail!! Thanks so much for sharing them on Flower Friday!!

  10. We love seeing all your beautiful wild flowers. Shyla really shines in them too.


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