Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Thankful Thursday

At this time of year, I have to pinch myself to realize that my life isn't a dream. The flowers and our wild world are real. I get to play in this incredible world with Shyla every morning!

I also have made some really big breakthroughs in understanding how to best train and generally interact with Shyla. We are taking specific dog training classes for Nosework and Rally. However, the effects of our time spent using purely positive training every single day are permeating the rest of our lives in amazing ways.

Shyla has overcome her last few very bad habits, partly because I've learned not to get frustrated with her. When I used to get frustrated (and allow her to know it), it led her to avoid interacting with me. I've seen that so clearly in the past months that I have learned not to get frustrated over things like checking out dead animals. Instead, I use my positive training skills, and they work!

I am so thankful for the world that we live in and for this amazing dog with whom I get to share it!
Soon, R will be able to bound through those meadows too. I know how thankful I'll be on that day!


  1. We are very thankful that you share your beautiful world with us!

  2. Gotta be grateful alright
    Lily & Edward

  3. Your world is just so beautiful. We were so disappointed yesterday to find that the silly rabbits had devoured all our pretty golden yelllow day lily flowers literally overnight:( Guess the critters were hungry.

  4. Shyla looks sooooo very happy in these pictures!

  5. Thank you for sharing your lives with us, KB and Shyla. We love visiting your blog every day♥

  6. We are so thankful that you share it all with us!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel


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