Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, June 16, 2016

First cub sightings at den!

Today, I am sharing a video from the first day that the cubs came out of the den. At first, their mom kept pulling them back in. But, by 4 PM that afternoon, both cubs were out. It was 4/10/16!

Notice how much snow there was on that date! You can watch the video here or at Youtube.

They stayed at the den until 5/21 so there was a lot of play outside the den that I can share later!


  1. This was adorable! The cubs are so cute!!

  2. A much needed lift at the end of a long day! Thanks for posting!!

  3. OMD/OMB!!! I needed some cubbie cuteness today!!! squeeeeeee!!!
    Oh,and I barked at them when they squealed...just had to lets them know I approve.....☺
    Ruby ♥

  4. The little one sounded almost like he was saying " No,No!!!". Hard work for her, but guess she has to be brave and let them go free outside soon. Thanks for sharing a part of your wonderful world.

  5. So fun to see. The grands are really enjoying watching your videos too:)

  6. That's just magic, getting to see their world. The cubs remind me of two-year-olds who want to do everything for themselves. Lol!

  7. Sweet, ,, sweet baby bears!!


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